elta rolls over East
game ...,hen quarterback John Fulton cored on a keeper for 40 yards. The Trojans were penalized 40 yards for un– sportsman-like conduct. Trey Holliday scored on a 10 yard pass from Fulton, Y.ith the extra point by Hawkins good. The final scor: Delta 38, East Central 14.
=ter - e foUo\\"Ulg a second m- ~IOIUO;;... The mam pia~ bemg a pa ~ ::z.n.:rea. Pope to Oa\Js for 36 Cl3.rtt:g_ c Oa!l on the I ~ard line. 1k " s score of the fu t half came 1· n:m- es tnto the 2nd quaner "hen "'-dJ came toe the touchdo\\n. F .=ham c cd the extra pomt. Delta 31 lO 0 Easl Central ! st tou~hdO\\ n came on 5 ~) dn..,.e. The ke) play being a 3rd 1: eor.\cr 10n. Pleasant passed to Goss for fim down on the 19 yard -. Pleasant then passed to Greg o e fo· a 20 y-ard touchdo\\ n. Extra p -._- C". _:.:.::_ ~------- ClJ,.~ 1 Oi'i -LEDGER ---- ---- 1~ ' l',_.c- ------------
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