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Leake Warriors
Kick-off time for tt-e first game of the 1984 East Central Junior Colle~e football season is set for 7:30 p.m. on Saturcay, September 1 on Warrior Field. The WarriorsHill be in action against the In– dians of ltawambc Junior College. Warrior team members from Le~ke County are: (kneeling, left to right) Ernie ~cFarland of Carthage, Mike Thomas of Phila<81phia, Jerry Banks of Carthage,
M ike Shepard of Carthage, Tracy Miley of Car– thage, (standing, left to right) Earl Talley of Ph iladelphia , Michael Grove of Carthage, Joey Freeny of Carthage , Butch Brooks of Carthage, and Marty Farrell of Walnut Grove. Not pictured are managers Mike Brown of Carthage and Ricky Ward of Carthage.
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