Two LA Rebels Sign With East Central
THE CARTHAGINIAN.Carthage, ~s., April l9,_1~
Sheparil whtle plaj'ing l:nebac er and lilllback thts past :;ear lS 58 170 pounds He bench p~~ 300 pounds and squats 500 pouil(h; While at LA Shepard made the Sub– District Ho..\'lorable Mention team as a \\-1de out his sophomore year. H.M. linebaeker hts juntor year and made~ Sub-District team as a :.emor at hnebacker. He v. as aI so ,eJected a Co-Captam this -.ear Coach LarrV Therrell Stated, ' . Hke Shepard is a real ph}'Sically thoUgh young man 'en :.trong for his size. a fighter and alway!: gtvmg a 100 percent he ~hould give help r1ght away at ECJC."
Two outl'tandmg l~ake athlete..:; ha~e s,@ed football scholarshtps to -ECJC Mike Thomas, .:.on of Mr and Irs Garvis Thomas of Madden and Mike Shepard son ol ~lr. and Mrs Bud Shepard of Standing Pine commurut\ Both ha\ e been standOuts for Coach Larry 'fbernll the past three year:.. T'ooma-., pla~1ng both quarterback and DB was a 5 11", 170 pound all around p!a)er He made the All Sub-Dtstnct team as a QB and OB as a seruor He \\as runner-upforM\'Pa aDBm the Di.;trict Thoma •!so made the Honorable Mention team a' a sophomore ano jun1or Coach Larn Therrell said, ". like Thoma~ has been one of Leaje Academy's best all around athle:es Ill three sports He 1:. a tn·mendous competitor, \el) qufc'· and strong and al\\-ays lr}1nl! to find a ~·av to beat vou He should help ECJC" •
Going to ECJC Mike Thomas, left, and Mike Shepard, right, hove signed football scholarships to ploy for East (ental Junia, College. They her.-~ o~n outstanding players for Leake Academy
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