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t 1 , ~~~~ra 7, 1t1t MORTON-PELABATCHIE-FOu:st ADVEa'J'IIila, M.-a. Klri\rdppl 39117 ECJCtOVli;ALL E.Ul fi~ISHES THIRD IN SOlr:rH DJ\ lSIO~
The Ea~ Central Ju JOT 0:> le e \\ arnor footha teant shed the !9•3 :oeasdn thtrd tn the South DivtsiOn 'llltth a record of 6-3-1 . The Warnors ha\e begun preparattons for the 1984 seac;on. Fre:.hman from the Morton- Pelahatchie- Forest area participating in the Spring Training were: De– fensive back · Nathan Mit– chell of Morton; Defensive tackle - Charles Deering of Morton; Noseguard • Bobby Craig of Pulaskt; Split receivers - Lee Mitchell of Morton; Tailbacks - Victor Warnsley of Morton and Kenneth Owens of Morton; and Fullback - Israel Reed of Forest. Head coach A.J. Kilpatric:.. stated, "It will be hnrd to replace the Sophomores that we are loosing this year. They did a fine JOb and 1 believe we have to gtve them credit for whnt we consider a ggod season ... Kifpatrick said he was pleased with the spring practice and that the} '111-Cre able to accomplish much. The Warriors scrim– maged with Holmes Junior College twice during spring pract:Jce. winning one game and the other ending in a tie. " Recruiting is going well in the district and out-of– state," said Kilpatrick. "and I feel that if we are able to sign the young men that we are negotiating with. we can replace the Sophomores that we lo..t'
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