Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia , Miss., February 15, 1984
Eleven Neshoba County athletes have signed their names to grant-in-a id college football scholarships. Four additional players are ex– pected to sign scholarships in the next few days to bring the total to 15. Seated, left to right, a re Owight L~pard . East Central Junior College ; Ma rk Chea tham. ECJC: and Lawrence Thomas, EC.JC. In back are Ken Edwards, Mississippi
College; Darrell Steele, Mississippi Valley State University; Gr eg McNair , ECJC; Wayne Spears, ECJC; Chris Adams, ECJ C; Donnie Kea, the Univer sity of Southern Mississippi; and Kelvin Lyons, Mississippi Valley State Universi– ty. Also signing but not pictured is Charles Sum– mer . Delta State Univer sity. (SN' related article and pictures on page lC)
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