
EMT Class At ECJC Easl Cent~al Jumor College's Emergenc) Medical Technicians (E:O.H' Traimng Pro~ ram recentl) held an Extrication E\erci~e class. This rpe>gram "a pre ented to pro, ide no,,ledge on the proces~ of using t·H~ e\lricauon equ pment . "Ja,, of Life," to remo' e someone from a "'rec~ ed 'chicle. To ~et the feehng of a \icttm, students were placed nstde of the cars before the proc be;an. To add ,reaht) , par– ticipants \\ere <.pra~ed \\llh \\ater a the firemen \\Ould do in the case of an actual extrication . Gunpo\\der "'as et off to tmulate the ex– plosion before fire . After the E\lT program i ompleted, tudents are qualified to take the :-.iauonaJ R~istr) Exam for Ernergcn:) ~ ledical Technicians. U;Jon <.\JCce ~full) pa n_ the exammauon, tuden ., are then qualified to participate m ambulance ser\lce in the 'tate ,lf \ tississip– pi. The E~fT program ro de trammg for firemen and •e,cue teams as \\ell a the 2eneral public. Paru 1pant tn the program were from Newton . Umon, and Decatur. Doyle and June Gord n of Ne\\1on Ambulan-.e Sc . ice :.ened as Practical fnstru~ ior of tht: EMT da . Mar) \la"entale. re~mtered nurse from ECJC, ..,ened a- 1· ''ructor. :-.:e\\tOn Ambulance Service pro,·ided the ambulan e aru "'l~ Bunt)n of Decatur donated the vehicles ued in the demonstra· '




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