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A dinner and info rmal press conference \\ere held la5>t Thur– sday to introduce ECJC president-elect Dr . Eddie ~1. Smith and his wife, Charlotte, to media representatives from the fi ve-county area served by the college. After the dinner. Smith was presented by ECJ C board of trustees chairman, H .B. Hud– speth During the introduction, Hud– speth said that Dr Smith was one of 19 applicants for the position and that he was one of the youngest of the applicants for the post. In his opening remarks, Dr. Smith said he preferred to keep most sta tements fairly general because he will not take over the post as president of FCJC until July I. Dr. Smith is the dean of In– struction at Cop1ah-Lincoln Junior College, and has worked 10 the jumor college system for nearly 15 years. H1s wife, Charlotte, has a bachelor's degree in piano. She teaches kindergarten in the public schools and also teaches a few musi~ students. Dr Sm1th plays the organ and ha!) been a church organist for about 25 years. He and his wife occas:JOnally do keyboard duets for pedal church functi.ons.

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