
Warriors brL~.n'-' home wins~~·t 1 The East Central unlor CoUete Warriors and Warriorettes brQUibt hom~ three winl and ooe loa Jut week aa they hit the road to take on Merldlan Junior College Dec. 8 and Jones Junior CoUege Dec. 10. ApmatMerldian the Wamorettet held a 34-JS halftime lead. However, the Lady Ea1les came back atrolllley \o the second ba1f to claim I ODe-point VIctory - .... Joy EicheJberaer of Louisville racked up 21 pomtl for ECJC followed by Beverly Chamber ol Lena with lS. Karen Miller ol Louisville bu 10 polnta In lbe pme apiolt Jooea, lbe Warr~ pulled olf a 71-72 victory with Eiebelber'ler sco~ 8 polota. Miller repeated with aaoCber 10 poiDtl

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