
ECJC Opens Season ~~ November 5 Against MJC

1 pomts Alru~ Olwer ••t.h IS penna. and Oms Daley with 14 polnu. On Thursda), NO\ember 8 the Warnon and Wamorenes tra~eled to Scooba to take on Eut Mtssi.ssappi Jumor College. The W amorettes were defeated by EMJC 98·71, wllh a halftime score of 53·40 Eichelberger Jed ECJC 1f>tth 31 points, followed by Cham~ ~,th 16 points. Leadana EMJC were Chandler "ith 31 potnts and Brown wtth 23 points. The Warriors came away "ith a - . 6() ~'ictoty 0\U the EMJC Uon,, •ttb the Wanio~ leading ll the half 51·34 Mcqan led the Wamon wnh 22 points, follov.ed by Mtlls with 21 pomts. and Grlffith with J4 points. Andrew GINan of Wurtland. Ky and John Vivaan of Carthage scored to the double dt~its 1li1.b 13 poants and 10 point re pecrl...-el~·. ffigb scorers for the Lions ""·ere Barry Cardwell witb 17 poult-'· Tun Caldwell with 12 poants, and Fred Moore and Henry Clark with JO points eac:h. The Warriors now stand l·O and the Warrlorettes stand 0·2.

The East Central Juaaor C ~ Wamo~ and Wamorme opened chear 1984·85 ba ietball euon at home on November S aaainst Meridian Junior College The Warrloreues fell 1n a cl~ game to the Lady Eagles .. Q 'l At the half the Lady Eagles held the Warriorettes 44·32. Putting 23 points on the board for ECJC \US Joy Eichelberaer of Louts' aile, followed b Karen Mtller of LouiSville ..,,lh 1<4 points, and Beverly Chambers of Lena "nh 11 points. Hiah scorers for the Lad) Eaales "'as Otan Clayton, Jeonellie MWer. and Anuonene Ot J with 18 poinrs each. In the econd aame of the niJht. the Wamon took the Eagle 81·65 'The Warriors hustled ahead of the Eaal~ chrouJb<'ut the game ••lh a halftime ROre of <42·23. Ru:lt\' Griffith of Ashland. K\' led tbe Wamors wnh IS points , followed by: Michael Mills of Helena. AK wttb 14 points. and Kenny Morgan of Monon with II poants. High scorers for MJC were Ken Brown

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