
Basketball Begins Nov. 5 At ECJC The East Central Junicr Co Wartiors and \\ am :-ett6 btgin thelr bask ball s • bomt asa• 1mdian J lege. The • arne 1lil! be at p. m. followed b) the men's 1 i:30p. m The Warriorettes are b')'

sophomore~ Be\erJ~ Chambers af Morton and Jo) Etebelbefsa' of l..outSville, aU tat r from last ) r Coach l..uclll \\ ood said. \\ e are lO· All four started last )ear and " the Warriors leaderstllp and CtlJT) en; er in their ) t m of pla) Coach S \ Rt\ d. \\e are excited about lhis )car and readJi to Members of the ECJC \\am U are: eel White of Morton tnrtan High school , Selbla To\\nsend of Lawrrot't' l.ake H h School), Altc Dav.itin of H1ckor) (HickOJ') H1gh SrhQoiJ, 1\un n Maller of l.ouJS\'111~ (l..ouisvllle High School), Valerie Morrow of 1'-.cMon !Newlon Hhth S<"hooiJ, \ ellnlla Nicholson or ~c~ ton ( Y.ton Htgh School), Joy Et<'belbcr •er of Louasvlllt (Lou1 vlll HI •h School), AmlB Union of Brewton, Ala. (T. R. Miller lhgh School), Glorw Bol•fleld of forest lS ba topol Htgh School!, et started Our freshm be!.l \\e'\ had mce J are bem our d<'plh ood Hopefull) " make up for a lock of he t hard pla) ."

are ,Johnn} Gill of Walnut Grove (Sout.l: Leake High School 1, Dexter 1~'ric:AS c! Carthage (Carthage High Schoo!). Andre\\ Gan·in o£ Wurtland, K~ • Greenup Count) High School), Rick) Griffith of Ashland, K}., (Boyd Cowur Eigh School), lichael ~hils of He~na, Ark. Central H1gh School • Ronni Bender of Louisville LouLcville Ha h School), Kenny ~Olil'!a:n of Morton (Morton Hagh Schooll, Keun LeY.is of • temph , Tenn. Whiteha\en High Sdlool), Bob Holl a~ of Shm-eport, L.a. ~ i.twood High School). Geo e • \\atkins of Lake (Lake HlghSdlool), John Vivum of Carthage (Carthage High School), managers · Mlk\: or Carthage t Leake Academy). Danny Roland of Cur· lha~e (Leal:e Academy J, and Gar) Anderson Of Brent, Ala. ( Btbb County Hlgh School ). Callahan

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