Basketball Begins Nov. 5 At ECJC The East Central Junicr Co Wartiors and \\ am :-ett6 btgin thelr bask ball s • bomt asa• 1mdian J lege. The • arne 1lil! be at p. m. followed b) the men's 1 i:30p. m The Warriorettes are b')'
sophomore~ Be\erJ~ Chambers af Morton and Jo) Etebelbefsa' of l..outSville, aU tat r from last ) r Coach l..uclll \\ ood said. \\ e are lO
are ,Johnn} Gill of Walnut Grove (Sout.l: Leake High School 1, Dexter 1~'ric:AS c! Carthage (Carthage High Schoo!). Andre\\ Gan·in o£ Wurtland, K~ • Greenup Count) High School), Rick) Griffith of Ashland, K}., (Boyd Cowur Eigh School), lichael ~hils of He~na, Ark. Central H1gh School • Ronni Bender of Louisville LouLcville Ha h School), Kenny ~Olil'!a:n of Morton (Morton Hagh Schooll, Keun LeY.is of • temph , Tenn. Whiteha\en High Sdlool), Bob Holl a~ of Shm-eport, L.a. ~ i.twood High School). Geo e • \\atkins of Lake (Lake HlghSdlool), John Vivum of Carthage (Carthage High School), managers · Mlk\: or Carthage t Leake Academy). Danny Roland of Cur· lha~e (Leal:e Academy J, and Gar) Anderson Of Brent, Ala. ( Btbb County Hlgh School ). Callahan
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