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ECJC to hold sumn:'er basketball clinics In June %'3~/tz/ East Central Jumor Col· room. T-shirls, and an Op- ($35.00 with application throw cbampioaabipl and lege will conduct basket- portunity to win a trophy. and $15.00 a t reiptration). scrimmages at night. For ball clinics for boys and $40.00 must be sent in with Therewill be threesessions applications and· fur ther gtrls 18th grade lhrough the application and the re- dally- 9 a .m. to 11 a .m ., 2 information, contaet Coach 12th grade ! the 'll.eeks of m&Jruog$50.00isto bepaid pm. to4p.m., and7p.m . to SteveRivesat East Central June 17·22 for hoys and J u· at re¢stration. Tbecostfor 9p.m. There will be one-on- Junior College: 635-2111, or ly 8-13 for gtrls. The pur- commuters will be $50.00 one championships, fr ee home: 63S-3140. pose ts to pro\•tde an ~---------·
instructional camp for boys and girls in the skills of basketball. Regtstratlon for boys will be Sundar June 17 from 3 p.m to 5 p.m and Sunday. JuJy 8 for girls. The clime director is ECJC Coach Steve Rives, wtlh area high school <'Oa<:hes assisting. Total cost b $90.00. This amounl mcludes meals, dormitory
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