
Ponfllers H•il 56-52 Defeat To Warriors

1be East Central Junim' Co~M!ge Warrion >'lft banQ. ed a s&-52 deral b) the Clarke CoUt~e Panthers m Jan. 14 on the ECJC campus. High scorers for the Warriors were Ricky Grtrftlh of Ashland. Ky , v.itb 14 po1nts. follov;ed by l>rrlo Garvm oc Wurtlaud.. K y , and BarTy Clark ol U n on wltb I poultS. and Will Jotmsoo of Llttle Rock, Ark.. vo'llh 8 points. High scorer for the Panthers was ThomaaHawktns with 17 pouus. Tbe Warriors were defeated 11-6& by Co~ L\ncoln Junior Oft the ECJC campus Cll Jan lS. Sleve Lewis of Walnut Grm"e led fbe Warriors With 19 points, followed by Griffith v. ltb u potnta .nd Garvin with 11 potnta. Fred Cnsler led ~LID witlaiJ polllts


u · •ISS., Jan. • , 1114

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