
AWARDS DAY Academic, vocational, faculty memorial. and alumni memorial awards and scholarships were presented during recent Award' s Day ceremonies at East Central Junior College. Those receiving Alumni Memorial Awards were: (front, left to right) Tracey Glass, son of Ms Mae Glas of Louisvllle, WUllam S. Griffin Alumni Memorial Award for Men' In tramurals; Johnny Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glover Bell of Forest, Danny R. Klllens Alumni Memorial Award for Engineering; Patti Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Collinsville, Op81 McMullan Dicldnson Alumni Memorial Award for Elementary Education; Elaine Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bates of Philadelphia , Sara Carr Deaton Alumni Memorial Award for Secretarial Science; Beverly Chambers, daughter of Is Willie Ford of Lena, Earline Wood Alumni memorial Award for Women's Basketball; Brooks McFJhenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry McElhenny of Decatur, Billy Wayne BaucumAlumni Memorial Award for Secondary Education; (back row) Rory Trapp, son of Mr.and Mrs. FeltonTrapp of Union, Sue Yarbrough Fulgham Alumni Memorial Award for Speech; Chris Gilmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gllmer of Forest, Jack B. Mayo Alumni ~temoriat Awa rd for PbJ Theta Kappa and Alatha Chaney Alumni Memorial Award for English; Charles Edward , son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac Edwards of Conehatta, Dr. Edwin Miller Alumni Memorial Award for Medical Sciences; Johnny Gill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Gill of Walnut Grove, Howard Sessums Alumni Memorial Award for Men's Basketball. Not pictured: David Pleasants, son ofMr. and Mrs. Jimmie Pleasants of Riverdale, Ga.• Andrew F. Webb Alumni Memorial A"ard for f• ot– t.ll ud Roger Uque, soa of Ml Linda Anthony ot Philadelphia, W. A. Coursey Jr. Alumni Memorial Award for Engineering. --- CR-

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