
''Oklahoma'' Retired After Performance

East Central through his words of eoeou-a ment. his attendance at pe-"..orman..""es, a.nc! hts v. tllingness ro penrut the coUege to underwrite ~ producuon. ~ cast for the presentation wduc1ed: Brooke.!> McEJhenny, Decatur: Nelda Germany. Union: !.kni5e Dob on. ~ev. ton; Rory Tnpp. laton; Ktm Jones. Sebasto· pol. f e Boggan. :-.Iewton: Alben Roland. Monon, Anneue Hurter, l..laum, St n Oni , Morton, Darrell Dean \\'htte, Noxapater, Pamm) A:mstron , Walnut Grove; lisa mrrell. Decatur; Wanda Ezell, Dea:ur. Wanda Ezell. Decatur; Pa:!j Wilson. Philadelphia; Gena 1\.fosle), Se\Hon: Cindy Bridges, Philadelphlll: Donna Miller. Phila· ddpma: and Tracy Williams, Se\\iOn. The chorus and dancers conststed : Darlene McLendon Newton: More u, Decatur: Tonia S· e , Philadelphia: Pam Bane, Uman: Jamie Co,·tngton, Pbiladel· p~ta: Anna Woherton. Union; .:lobnn) Walker. Louisville; Amy Cox, We: Jeff Pennington, Decatur: Tobias Pace, Forest: La,-.Tence White. Philadelphia.

After a perfnrm:a.nce v. • prove :mfor ettabk the I • East Central Jun • Colle£e retired the mu cal 0 b never ta tie performed a again. Perfonrun eaeh n ht before near capactt) aud ences. the Players were excepuooal. The setting for the I ·ronrun Broad\( ay ~ho\\ . dtrttted b) B:ut"e Peter$OD, ,-.-a: lO r.eentb :: ers and musicians dedtcated mu.. h ume and energy to thb P\:~: .. 1 perfmmance of "OUahomo.. S ':een vears a when the tra ' · o.. of ·a ptm ' musical began, "Oklab rna'' -as chosen. On the final n~ ht fi met cast membe~ ~ere in~ued ba to re-live the memones of thei: performances. It pfO\ed an Century Oklahoma at ~ rise to statehood. It was. romance as "'c:U as romed) The student a~.ors. exicting e'enin~ for all that night. a formal ded made to Dr. Charles\' in realizing the ulue of ed tiona) theatre hh ghen hi~ enth stauc support to the presentation of an annual spring musical. Dr, \', nght has supported college theatre at ~:noch ~






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