
THE CARTHAGINIA~. Carthage, :\!iss.. ~lay 2,1985

EC athletes get awards East Central Junior College aThletes were recently honored with an athletic banquet. The festive occasion was marked by the coaches giving awards to various athletes in recogniz· tion of a job well done.

Srojkovic. son of ~ls Nancy Srojkovic of Tuscalossa, AL and ~1ichael Nunn. son of Ms Leona ~unn of Louisville-tied for The :\lost Outstanding Of· fensive Lineman: Stanley Mit· chell. son of ~1s Lucendia Mit· chell of Louisville-The Most Outstanding Defensive Back: Joey Freeny, son of ~r. and Mrs. Jack Freeny of Carthage· The Most Outstanding Defen· sive Lineman; John Fulton, son of ?Ylr. and Mrs. George Fulton of Philadelphia and Mike Stojkovic-Team Captains; Willie Sangster. son of Ms Rosie Sangster of Louisville– The ~tos[ Valuable Player; David Pleasants. son of Mr. and ~lrs. J.H. Pleasants of Riverdale, GA·The Andrew F. Webb A \\-ard. Also recognized at the ban· que[ for being selected for the All·Star team in football were: Willie Sangster. Ricky Goss, and :\like Stojkovic. Selected as All·State were: 1st. team– ~tike Stojkovic, and Willie Sangster: 2nd t-eam-Ricky Goss, Stanley Mitchell, and :Mike Harkins. son of Mr. and ;r..trs. Mike Harkins of Ocala Forest, FL; Honorable Men– tion All-State went to Joey Freeny, "Michael Nunn. and Gregg Corkren, son of Mr. and !\1 rs. Robert Corkren of Tuscaloosa. AL.

Nowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nowell of Philadelphia for the Hustle and Desire Awad. Basketball awards were given t.o Kenny Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morgan of Morton-Best Defensive Player; Michael Mills, son of Mrs. Alberta Miss of Helena, AR· Best Offensive Player; Ricky Griffith, son of Ms. Anna Grif· fith of Ashland, KY-Leading Rebounder; Ronny Bender, son 'of-Mr. and Mrs. Rosezell Bender of Louisville-Most Im· proved Player; K evin Lewis, son of Ms Hattie Lewis of Memphi s , TN ·Mr. Hustle Award; Andrew Garvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garvin of Wurtland, KY·Highest Free Throw Percentage; and J immy Gill, son of Ms Johnnie Lee Gill of Walnut Grove-The Howard Sessums Award. Coach A.J . Kilpa trick, head football coach, present ed the following football awards: Ricky Goss, son of Ms Walterine Goss of Unitm-The Most Outstanding Back; Mike

Coach Lucille \\'oods presented the girls basketball awards to the following: Bever· ly Chambers, daughter of :\ls Willie Ford of Lena-Team Cap· tain, Warrioret.te Award, All Star Game, All State 2nd team; Sethia Townsend, daughter of Ms Pearlean Eva ns of Lawrence· Best Defensive Player, Honorable Mention All-State; Thira Huff– man, daughter of Ms Grace Huffman of Louisville-Most Imp roved Player; Karen Miller, daughter of Mr. and M r s. Frances ~Iiller of Louisville-Scholastic Award; and Joy Eichelberger. daughter of Mr and ~1rs. Calvin Eiche l be r ger of Louisville-Team Captain. Best Offensive Player , All·State 1st team, All Star Game, AU· Region 23 (MS and LA), Kodak All-Region VI (NM, TX, AR , LA, MS), National J unior Col· lege All-Star Game in Hutchin· son, Kansas, and 2nd team All· American. Coach Steve Rives presented baseball and boys' basketball awards to the following: Baseball honors went to Ricky Goss. son of Ms \\'alterine

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