ECJC ''Charm Clinic'' Admirina man) ol the acceo;sory options offered during the "Charm Clinic" pon.;ored b) the Fash1on Squad of East Central Junior College are )oungqer~ from Beulah Hubbard. Pictured are (I tor): Chn-ue Bull • daughter of ~tr. and ).1rs Donald Butts: Dexan– ne Chaney, daughter of ~1 r. and ~trs. Rex Chaney; and Susan George, daughter of Mr and ~1rs. Wayne George. Thirty-ni ne st udems representi ng Boler Elementary, Ne~ton County Academy, Decatur High School, c~ton Attendance Center. Beulah Hu bbard Attendance Center. and Union High School participated. They were given tip~ on make-up, hair care, accessories, and modeling as well as
tip~ on rh,. """ 'nrintz fa h10n~ for 1985 6A-1 h~ 1'i c"'ron Rtwrd, April tO, 1985
(Photo from ECJC)
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