

Wednesday. April 3, 1985

ECJC participants in Ole Miss Scholars Bowl ReprebenlinJ{ ~l Ct•ntral Junior Colleg.- in the nr,t d~IIIUUI Olt \h's ~c huJ.H, Bo~l \\ t' ll'. c lt•rt ,, ll ~hll Ualph Hurley, son of Mr . and Mrs. RalphS. llurley of t.:nion ; ('hn·l~ Gihnt'l'. ~on of 1\lr, aucl Mr~. ('hurlt·~ GilmN· ol Fon•j>lt; Joe Willlanas, 11011 of \1r and :\fr't. \ndre" Williams of Oer atur : and ,\lid) Th ,tt.:J!:U·tl .,1111 o£ \h·. aud \II'' · \uhr' f') Tbag. gard or Philadelphia . .\li>O picturt>d Uar left ) is Dr. Sht>lb) ll



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