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Reed, daughter of tr. and Mrs. David Reed of oxapnter IUgh School and F..dgar Pierce, 1011 of Mr. ud Mrs. Roland L Pierce of Noxapater Hlp Sdaool. 111e 11185 Ea t Cflltral Junior College reqlllrementa for membership mdude a 3.4 Grade Point Average for freshmen and a 3.3 Grade Point Average for sophomores.
dp ~d n the lniUaUoa of Cite 11teta XI Cbap~r or the hi eta Kappa Soc:kty at Eat CutraJ Junior College e~ left to right) Karn Miler, aapter ol Mr. and '\1r . 'F'rancM Mlller of~ HJcla Sdaool; Missy liolder. dnugbtu of Mr. ... Mn. Travis Holder. of ul ville lllt{h School: Xeueda alae. IOD of Mr. aod rtobert Cltne of Loalsvllle Hlp School: Tammy
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