1985 Initiation Theta Xi Chapter Of Phi Theta Kappa The 1985 fnitiatton of the Theta Xi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa was recently held at East Central Jumor College. The freshmen students chose for membership must maintain a 3.4 Grade Point Average and the o;ophomore students must matn ain a 3.3 Ezelle; Marcia Mason-Newton Academy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason; (second row, left to right) Marsha Hardin-Umon High School, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wcndall Har– din; Ellen Jenkins-Union High School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marzell Jenkins; Anneue Hurley-Beulah Hubbard High School, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Hurley; and Darrell Mangrum-Decatur High School, son of Mr . and Mrs. Jimmy D. Mangrum. Students attending the initiation from Newton Count~ were: (front row, Jett co right) ~telissa Gray-Gruon High School. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame~ L. Gray, Wanda EzeUe-Decarur High School, daughter of Mr. and Mr!> Melbourne
-The Newton Record, March 6, 1985
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