



East Central FCA officers

19 I icers of tht" f"ello\\ship of ( hrlstian Athletes at East Central Junior (.'ollege are: llefl to rlgbU Joy Ei( lu lhrrgcr of l .uUb\ IUe, a graduate of l-ouisville High Sclaool; Benr ly Chamben of l.ena. a graduate of Morton Higb SdiO(•I: Bt>H'rl) Ro\\ re of Lena, a graduate of Morton High School : aod Pam Eicbelbergtor of l-ouiS\ ille, a graduate of l.oub\ tllr lll~b ~<·booJ. Thf' o~cU\ e of U.e Felkn\sbip of ChrlstJan Atblete.A ,16 Co unite women \ ar~>it)' athletes iu a chnstia11 fello\~.,hijJ. The facu. ~n or 1.s ("oach LucUie Wood.

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