

Selected To AD State Golf Team fen) Ses urns (r), repre enting East Central Junior College, ha~ reccntl) been sclc..:ted to the l\lb -;issippi Junior College All-State Golf Team. \\ ith nn ao,;erage 'eason score of 77. Sessums was chosen a long "ith George Byrd of Gulf Coa-.t J unior College with an average of 76; James McKay of Hind Junior College " ith an average of 76.8; Randy Burns of Copiah-Lincoln "ith an a' e rage of 77; and Ed Blurton o f

Hinds Junior College \\ ith an average of77 .2. Also pictured \\ lilt Sessums 1s Coach Joe Clark .

(Photo By ECJC)

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