
Watkins to ECJC Gf'OI'gf' Wallllnt rKeat.ly tlpf'd a batkf'lball 1cholar· sltJp •llh lhf' East Ct'ntral Jllnlor Coll~e Warrlon. Wallllns, lbe Jt.y•ar-okl nttlor at Lak.- fllgh School. is tH Mil ol Mr. aiMI Mrs. C'~• Watlllu of Lake. tie •as um· e4 AD..ciH-roiiH Conft'ffDC'e roar ~t'lr"', Mosl Yalaabk Player ill ~ {~H Coefert-~<'t' thrt"f! ynrs. AU District Sb BR r.. r yt'ars, Motl Valaa~ Pla~er a& l.aU fewr nn. ancl ha' bHI'I 1elt'<:lf'd Motl Athlt>tk: In Bauf't. Mil at l.ab. Watkbts Ul'rllf"d t l.! pofnls Pt'T tame bis n•ior year, and %3,7 points ptor "ame hi' juniW ) t'ar. llld 15 reiMMmds p.-r came. Wallllftl li ho•n ht'N' •llh ECJC C..d• &.-, t' Rl"" f It'll I alld l.akf! Hl&h ~ Coadl ~­ llk-Klrklalld.


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