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~shoba Count) Phil bela Kappa-Ea'l Central Junior College students from Neshoba Count} \\ho recent!) parucipated in the initiation of the 1 heta Xt Chapter of the Ph1 Theta Kappa Societ) \H're (left to right) Michael Ktrkland- eshoba Central High hoot, on of Mr. and Mr~. Ed\\ ard Kirkland; S~hia Ann 1o\\d)- Neshoba Central Htgh School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame.: Mowdy, Jnmes Hard~ • eshoba Cen– tral Htgh School, son of !'.1r. nnd l\lr . James Hurd~: Harold Robens Blocker - Phtladelphta 1-;!igb School. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blocker. Fre hmen students m~t mainta111 a 3.4 Cirndc Poim A \erngc and Sophomores mu:.t maintain a J.J to be ehgtble lor mcmbr:r~hip.

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