
AT ECJC Rives Selected Basketball Coach

East Centrll Junior College has announced the apointment of Coach Steve Rives as head men's basketball coach at the College. Coach Rives has been head bas– ketball coach at Jackson Prep for the past six years. Prior to thar he coached at McCluer and Hanging Moss in Jack– son. His overall won-loss record as basketball ' coach stands at 302-34. Rives Is a graduate of Wingfield High School in Jackson where he won the Danforth Award, made the national honor society Mu Alpha Theta, and was selected Mr. Senior Class. In addition he was sel£>cted for the all state team In both basketball and baseball while at Wingfield. At Hinds Jun– Ior College he played basketball and served as prec;ldent of BSU. He h'llds both the Bache– to • and Master's

Degrees from :vtissis– slppi College where he was the leading basket– ball scorer and was named outstanding col– lege athlete. In addition to having won almost 90 percent of all games coached over a ten year career, Rives has been recognized as coach of the year six times, has . won eight South AAA Academy Championships, five State Championships In the same classification and four overall academy championships includ– ing three In succession. He was honored in 1981 by the Babe McCarth} Tipoff Club of Missis– sippi State University as the Mississippi High School Coach of the Year.

Coach Rives a nd his wife Sue have two daughters, Sarah and Jenni. They will move to the East Central campus during the summer. SCOTT COUNTY TIMES Wed~esdav. June 16, 1982

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