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ECJC Atheltic Award Winners

Winning a\\ard'> at the Fast Central Junior College annual Athletic Banquet recently were: (left to right) Dan Sulli\ an of I oui~' ille: Spirit and Desire A\.. arc) for Baseball; Grant Aben:rom– bic ol Brent. <\L. Mo<>t Valuable Pia~ cr: Angie Ryals ol Louis\llle. \1o~t Valuable Lady Golfer; Chris Clark of Decatur, Mo'1 Valuable ~1an

Golfer: and Kerry Winstead, ~lost Valuable Men's Tennis Player. Not pkturcd i~ Ramona Pullin of Nc~hoba Count~. Mo"t Valuable \\omen's Tennis Player. the ba~eball team is coached by David Bradberry and hecman Hor– ton. Joe Clad.: io; both ten111s and goll coach.


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