MATTIE BURNSIDE ECJC's Burnside Honored By Kodak DECATUR - Mattie Burnside of Noxapater, a sophomore at East Central Junior College, is one of five basketball players named to the Kodak All-District Women's Basketball team for District VI of the Junior/Community College DiVision. This division includes Arkansas, New Mexico, Texas, LoUistan– na andMississippi. The team is selected by the Women's Basket– ball Coaches' Association. Mattie, a 5-11 basketball standout at Noxapater High School, has achieved outstanding accomplishments in her basketball career at East Central. During her sophmore year, she averaged 24.0 points per game and was the leading scorer in the Mississippi Junior College Association. NationaJly, she ranked sixth in scor- ing. Other honors include being named All-Region III, first team Mississippi Junior College, AU-State and was selected to play in the Juco all-star game. The five athletes were chosen for this honor through a selection process that involved all women's basketbaU coaches and univer– sities that are WBCA members and involved at the junior/com– munity coJlege division level, according to Lorene Ramsey, selection chairperson and head women's basketball coach at D– linois Central C91J.:;ge~
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