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Wednesday, May 11, 1983 SCOTT COUNTY TIMES SA

Receive ECJC Basketball Awards Awards were presented to members of the E ast Central Junior College Women's Basketball team at the annual Athletic Banquet . Winning awards were: (left to right) Jo Bloodsaw of Lena, Best Defensive Player ; Mattie Burnside of Noxapater, Best Offensive Player ; E arlene Moore of Lake, Most Improved Player and Team Capta in; Angie Ryals of Louisville, Team Captain; Pam Coleman of Carthage, Honorable Mention All State; and AugustaHardney ofWalnut Gr ove, Wa r riorette Award. Burnside was recogniz~d as being named All Sta te Division Outstanding Player, named to the Kodak All District Women's Basketball Team for District VI, All Region XXIll, fi rst team Mississippi J unior College All-State and being selected to play in the All-Star game. The Warriorettes are coached by Lucille Wood.

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