
1982-1983 ECCC Newspaper Clippings

Clarke Blanks Rival ECJC NEWTON- The Clarke College Panthers rolled over netghboring East Central Junior College 7-{) in basebaU action here Thursday. Brian Long, 4-2, fanned twelve Warrior batters while giving up just six hits and six walks. Jeff Breland was sacked with the loss Leading hitters for Clarke. which pounded eight hits, were Dwayne Partin and Dave Forhand. Partin smacked a home run and had 3 RBI's while Forhand went 2 for 2, including a solo home run. Clarke hosts East Central again during Homecommg activiti<'s here this weekend. Friday, April 9, 1982 THt: ~lt:KIDIAN STAR


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t J East Central Baseball Team

The East Central Junior College BasebaU team will close out the 1982season on Aprill7, with a double header In Ellisville against Jones County Junior College. Warrior team members include front row,left to right, Kenneth Sims ofMorton, Paul Oglesbee of Hickory, Jay Jones of Forest, Chris Burt of Philadelphia, and Robert Clark of Louisville; second row, left to right, Rent Moore of Waynesboro, Brian Roach of Newton, John Barhamof Philadelphia, Chris Clark of Decatur, and Chip Foreman of Hickory; third row, left to right, Terry Hartness of Noxapater, J3ck Donald of Morton, J eff Breland of Union, Steve Thomas of Union and Mark Lampkin of Morton; fourth row, left to right, Robert Smith of Union, Tod Wall of Decatur, and Jimmy Metts of.Louisville. David Bradberry is the Coach.

Wednesday, April 14, 1982 SCOTT COUNTY TIMES

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SCOTT COUNTY TIMES Wednesday, February 23, 1983 ECJC Announces Baseball Schedule

David Bradberry, var· stty baseball coach at East Central Junior Col– lege has released the 1983 baseball schedule. All dates are double· headers. Home games begin at 1:00. The schedule is: March 5, ltawamba, Home; March 7, Clarke, There; March 21, East Miss., Home; March 23, Gulf Coast, There; March 26, Jones ,

Home ; March 28, Clarke, Home; March 30, East Miss., There; March 31, Holmes, There; April 5, Jones, There; April 6, Pearl River, Home; April 9, Pearl River, There; April ll, Hinds, There; and April 16, Gulf Coast, Home.

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May 25 , 1983, The Newton Record-7A

Jr. College All Star

Bnan Roach, son of Mr. and ~1rs. J.J. Roach of Newton, will represent East Central Junior College in the first annual JC All Star baseball game to be played Sunday, J une 5, at Meridian J .C. field. Roach has been an outfielder fo r the Warriors the past two seasons and batted an even .40() ( 16 for 40) this year. He smacked a pair of home runs, 4 doubles, 4 drag-bunt singles and swiped I J bases. Roach's coach is David Bradberry.


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HolmesJCTo HostECJC Squads 'In Kosciusko

A meeting between 2 of the states' Junior College Basketball , squads will highlight a two-day Polish celebration in Kosciusko this weekend. Holmes Junior college, at the top of the ratings in both men's and women's play for the north half of the state, will host East Central Junior College, whose women are in the running for the South Division Championship. The women's game gets under– way at 6:30 p.m., Saturday in the Attala County Coliseum in Kosciusko. Men take the court at 8:30. Admission is $2.00 for adults and Sl.OO for students. The game will be a highlight of a two-day celebration in Kosciusko designed to show support for the people of Poland. - . -

Tbe Newton Record, January JJ, 1982

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ECJC Warriors Play In Tournament

The East Central Junior Col– lege Wa rriors traveled to Ellisville to play in the Men's Invitational Tournament hosted by Jones Junior Col– lege. The first night of tourna– ment action saw the Warriors defeated by East Mississippi Junior College 82-80. High scorer for East Central was Ricky Griffith of Ashland, Ky., with 25 points, followed by Randy Tatum of Philadelphia with 18 points, Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ark. with 14 points and Drew Garvin of Wurtland, Ky. with

10 points. High scorer for EMJC was Maurice Nelson with 24 points. The following night the War- riors were defeate d by

. . Southwest Junior College 2C, Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia, Miss., December 14, 1983 68-63. High scorers for East W I Garvin of Wurtland, Ky. with Central were Johnny Gill ol * 8 rr OrS 10 points. High scorer for Walnut Grove and Drew Gar- (Contfn ed fro 1 C) Delta was Kirk Price with 15 vin of Wurtland, Ky. with 11 u m page points. .

points, followed by RickyGrif- 20 points and Johnny Gill of fith of Ashland Ky. with 11 Walnut Grove with 14 points. points and ~dy Tatwn of High scorer for Southwest was Philadelphia with 10 points. Vernell Robinson with 22 High scorer for Southwest was points. Danny McManus with 14 The Warriors traveled to points. Mluiasippi Delta Junior Col- The Warr iors hosted lege at Moorhead only to have Southwest Junior College on Delta claim a 80-06 victory the ECJC campus. Again tbe cmr tbem. Warriors were defeated by Bleb scorers for East Ceo– Southwest ~1. High scorers tra1 were Steve Lewia of for East Central were Ricky Walnut Grove with 13 points, Griffith of Ashland, Ky. with WW Jobnson of Little Rock, (Continued on page 2C) Ark., with 11 points, and Drew

On Dec. 5 Coach Steve Rives' Warriors met Pearl River Junior College on Pearl River's campus at Poplarville where East Central fell to Pearl River 67-55. The Warriors led tbe first quarter 1G-3 but fell behind at halftime leaving Pearl River with a 27-16lead over the War– riors. High scorers in the night's a ction were EC's Drew Garvin of Wurtland, Ky., with 12 points, Steve Lewis of Walnut Grove with 10 points, Ricky Griffith of Ashland, Ky., and Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ak. with nine points and Pearl River's Steve Gouner with 18 points.

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THE MERIDIAN ST 'R Tuesday, Son~mber 22 1983 unior College Basketbatr · .~-----~ East Mississippi Takes Tou :nev· Ga

~ I ssustppt Gloria' wright 14 to lead scheduled to face Gulf .laBor College swept a EMJC to a 77-58 win in Coast in the final at 2:45 parr 0! games from East D e c a t u r . · J o y this afternoon. · ~ Jan or College Eichelberger led East Maurice Ne Is on m different tour- Central with 18 points scored 24 points at East onda\· night. while Renee McCoy ad- Mississip~i overcame a i _cored ded 12 points and Carol three-pomt halftime e Bridget Smtth 10. ·deficit to take an 82-80 · added 17 and EMJ C, 5-0, was win. Terry Mixon added

., tangles with Jones tonight at 8 in the finals. "···" E!lt.lccm -Cooper u HJI, w,,.,"" u W 17 Wriabt 7 ~ 14, Perry I :1-4 I, BuckhAlc.r J 1·2 7, L&ndrurn t 04 o. Sc&r· brouch o~o. Tayloro~o. s........,oo..o ECIC lSII- &ich.lbe~Jtor 7 4-118, \!ct:ov 5 H u, Sllllt!t 4 2-4 10. Ch&rnben 3 1·2 i, Willim~son 2 1-1 s, ~ol!unc~o<~ l ~ 4. Gilmer I ~ 2, Coolt o ~ 0, llltchtro ..o llllfhme: E:IIJC 37, lt(:JC U

18 points for the winners ana Barry McNair and Barry Cardwell added 12 each. Ricky Griffin paced EMJC with 25 points while Randy Tatum added 18 and An– dy Garvin 10. East Mississippi, 4-1,

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Wednesda~ , TilE MEHIDIA \ STAR -~---- Clarke Men, ECJC Women Win OH'mber 16, 1983

NEWTON - Franklin Buckley scored 33 points, including 15 free throws, to lead host Clarke College to a 101-84 rout of East Central Junior College Tuesday night. In women's action, Joy Eichelberger poured in 31 points to lead East Central to a 68·53 win. "'OmH ECJC •M•-IbldWO 1·21, .M<('oy 32-U.Strullllt·U. £Jdlelbergorll f.llll. 1\Wim.YGn S~IO. ChambenS$-4. II CUmtr I ~2. 1\asbulltoo I ~2 C'LAIU

o-o 8, McClendon 0 IHJ o Clarke filii Hawkins 10 14 21 lluckley tiHY 3:1 Mc);od>ola 7o>-tJ 14, Perry 3 4-4 10, Braxton 4 U 11 IJOUJI•> S 2-2 12 Halftime: Clarke .0, J::ut Central 34 TOUII rotlls f:O>t c:.ntral 26

Clarte It Fouled Out £ut Central, Roclu'clo<>n EMJC 's Women Win

ELLISVILLE - Bridget Winston scored 29 points and teammate GLoria Cooper 19 as East Mississippi Junior Col– lege's women up~d their record to 3-0 Tuesday night With a 76-56 victory over Jones County JC. £\lJCt7t1-\\1DitootO!I-102t ~U-111. \\rudtt4Ut Buckhalter 4 o-o I. Pm; 3 H I 8I'OWII I 2-% 4 t..ndnun 0 I 2 I, l)ldom 0 0.0 0 JO'Ii£S lUI -lrb} 7 HIS, Keely I 3-4 13, Vaughn aU I. Petera4 ~ 8 Jol.orru 2 US. Roe 1 ~2.lrbv 1 o-o 2

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Friday. November 11. 1983


EMJC Edges ECJC, 76-~4 . Jones Edges Clarke Twice SCOOBA - After falling behind m the _ third quarter, East Mississippi Junior NEWTON - Visiting Jones Junior Col- College rallied to win 76-64 over Eas~ Cen- lege took a pair of close basketball vic– tral Junior College here Thursday mght. tories over Clarke College here Thursday East Mississippi's Maurice Nelson and night Tim Caldwell led the Lions with 13 ·points Jones took the men's game 80-72 and the each while teammate Derrick Hardwell women's game 81-79. had 12. . . Clarke's men, 1-2, placed five players~ Darryl Figgers led the Warrior~ With ~8. double figures , led by Anthony McKenzie The game w~s held . to a five-pomt and Lorenzo McNichols with 16 poi~ts spread at half With the Lions ~:m top 38-33. each. Thomas Hawkins added 15 while East Central forged ahead With as much Franklin Buckley and Jimmy Perry had as a seven-point fead in the third quarter. 10 each. East Miss~ippi then came back to hold "We played poorly," said Clarke first- onto the wm. . . year coach Larry Gressett. . The Lady Lions had an easier time Clarke's women, 0-3, also placed five a~ainst the East Central women's team, players in the double figures. Hope Thorn- Winning 92~. ton Jed the way with 16 points, followed by East Mississippi's Gloria Coope~ led Elaine English with 14, J . Smith with 11 both teams with 29 points. Bndget and Ann Adkins and Elaine Nunley with Winston added 19 more to the East 10 . Mississippi total. . Both Jones team are 1-1. Joy Eichelberger led the LadyWarnors Clarke entertains Northwest Junior Col- with 14. lege Friday in its next action. Mea Mta &ASTNISSIS81PPI C7tl- Nelsen11, 1Urdwell12,Calc!welliS,Mixon IO. JO"ES IMI _ Bradford t f.t 22 Waahln&ton 1 H !, J::louJ)as S 1-12 13, S-nn,en7,McNalr7.Gibbo7, Waltont!Clartc3. ,..___• t G'U • McDonaldSI-21! FarlowH-410,HartfoeldSH5,BrowntHt,Picltens2 !AST tt"TRAI. INI - Fi&llora 18, Richardson 10, ......Ill , t o, 4-4 t • T1!um 4, Grllfllllt, McClendonS. f Is _ Eu ciAAK£ 1m _ Jia'kkina t H IS, Butkley 4 2·5 10, MeNichols 8 0.0 18, HaiiUme- &all Milllsatppj 38, East ~lral 33. Total ou 1 .,.,., s 4-4 10 Braxlon 00.1 o MeKenzie 5H 16 Housley 21·2 3. Milllsalppl !5, &aatCentr1120 Fouled out- &ast Mlsalsaippj Sweartnaen. Halftime sCor.: Jonea 42,' Clarke 38 Pouled OU" Clarke, Hawkins, Wal'- ·Eut Central -Garvin, Buckley Tolal Foull: Clarke 25, Joneo 19 W•rqe• M'omra lAST MI.S81SSIPPl IN)- Coope.o 29, Winston 19, Wri&hll2, Perry 8. JONES (II)_ Ray%Ht, JrbyOo-1 0, Vau&hnOHO,Saltera31·27, Wood Brown '· Buclthllter 4, Rich 4, Johna

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THE TIMES Wednesday, November 16, 1983 East Central tops Southwest

Percy Johnson for the 35 yard touchdown with 8: 21 left in the third quarter. Luke Parks' extra point was good. East Central led 7-0. A Southwest Bear fumble recovered by J ulius Ferrell gave the Warriors the drive for the second touchdow n . Powell connected to Johnson for 25 yards to the Bear five. With 2: 40 left in the third quarter AI Walker carried for the touch– down. Luke Parks' extra point failed. East Central 13, Southwest 0.

The East Central Warriors played their final game of the season Saturday night when they took on the Southwest Bears and won 13-0. East Central Warriors coached by A. J. Kilpatrick, Freeman Horton and Gregg Jefcoat closed the season \\rith a 6-3-1 record. At the final game East Central did all the scoring in the third quarter when Stacy Powell connected to

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EC Warriors

Clendon of Forest, Darryl Figgers of Quincy, Fl, Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ark ., Barry Clark of Union, Ricky Griffi th of Ashland, Ky., Andrew Garvin of Wurtland, Ky., Randy Tatum of Philadelphia, Trent Richardson of Havanno, Flo., Eddie McDill of Forest, and (not pictured) Steve l ewis of Walnut Grove.

The East Central Junior Co llege men 's basketball team will be in action in the season opener on Man· day, November 7, against Meridian Junior College at Meridian immediately following the.women's game. Members of the team are: (I to r) Johnny Gill of Walnut Grove, Dexter Myrick of Carthage, Milton Me·

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East Central basketball schedule November 23 Hinds There 7 Meridian There 26 Utica Here 10 Ea~t Mississippi There 30 Co-Lin There 15 Clarke There February 17 Jones Here 2 Pearl Rivet Here 21-22 1 ou rnamcnt-Women Here 4 East Mississippi Here Men Away 6 Utica There December 11 Holmes There I Southwest Here 13 Gulf Coast There .J Delta There 16 Hinds Here 5 Pt arl River There 20-22 South Division (Men) 10 Meridian Here 23-25 South Division (Women) January 27-28 State Tournament (Men) 5 Southwe'>t There 29 State Tournament (Women) 7 Holmes Here March 10 Gulf <. Oa'>t Here 1 State Tournament (\\'omen) 12 Jonc' There S- 7 Region 23 (Women) 14 Clarke Here 8-10 Region 23 (Men) 16 Co-Lin Here 20 Delta Here Women 's Game -- 6:30 Men's Game -- 8:00

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Neshoba Democrat. Philadelphia, Miss., June 1, 1983 EC,JC Clinic Set

Registration for the boys' basketball clinic at East Cen– tral Junior College is Sunday. June 5 from 3 p. m to 5 p. m. The cliniC' is schedulerl to run through June 10. The cost to attend the cltnic is $85 for dorm campers and S50 for day campers Contact Coach Steve Rives at ECJC for further in– formation.


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Warriors Cited

Receiving basketball awards at the East Central Junior College Athletic Banquet recently were East Central players: (I to r) Joe Kennamer of New Hope, Al, Best Offensive Player; Eddoe Griffin of Walnut Grove, Best Rebounder; Palma Jones of Carthage, Scholastic Award; and Ken

Eiland of louisville, Best Defensive Player. Eiland was recognized as being team captain and Kennamer was recognized as being named to the Junior CollegeAll State 1st team and to the All Star team. Warrior coach is Steve Rives.


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Edtvards Signs at ECJC Charles Edwards, seated, of Sebastopol High School has signed a basketball scholarship with East Central Junior ( ollege. Edwards, son of .Mr. and l\lrs. Charles 1\lac Edwards of Conehatta, was named All Conference both his junior and senior years, averaging 12.6 points and six rebounds per game during Ws senior year of play. In addition to his athletic accomplishments, Edwards has ~xcelled academically. He is Valedictorian of his senior class and is President of the Beta Club, President of the Student Council, Senior Class President, President of the Annual staff, a member of the National Honor Society for three years, and a member of the library and science club. Observing the signing were Billy Willbanks (left), Sebastopol boys' basketball coach, and Steve Rives, right, ECJC men's basketball coach.

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Ink With ECJC

Three Carthage High School basketball standouts have signed basketball schola rships with East Centra l Junior College. Pictured at the signing were (front, Itor) Dwight Howard, JohnnyGreer, and Dexter Myricks and (standing, I to I) Jerry Gressett, Carthage High School boy ;' basketball coach and Steve Rives, ECJC men's basketball coach. Howard, a

forwa rd, was named All Conference and All District, averaging 13 points per game. Greer, a guard, averaged 12 points per game, lettering three years in basketball, two years in track and one year in baseball. Myricks, a lso a three-year letterman in basketball, averaged 15 points per game and was named All Conference a nd All District.

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8B, Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia, Miss., April 27, 1983

one game, be was leading reboaDder for the team and was the third leading scorer with a game bJgb of %6 points. Observing tbe sign– ing were Steve Harber (left) , Union H1gh school boys' basketball coach and Steve Rives (right), ECJC men's basketball coach. Commenting on the signing, Harber said, "Having done au outstanding job for Union's team for the past two years and be– ing a bard w:r.ker, Barry has a great future abead of him In college basketball."

SIGNS . SCHOLARSHIP-Union HJgb School basketball standout, Barry Clark (center) bas signed a basketball scholarship with East Central Junior College. Clark Is 1be son of Mr. aud Mn. Chester Clark of Neshoba County. A6'5" senior Clark was In· strumental In leading bJs team to a season record of 24-41, averaging 13-8 points per game aud 10.1 rebounds per game. Astarter both bJs junior aud senior years, be was named All District V BB aud All Choctaw Conference. Wltb a high of !8 rebounds for ________ SCOTT COUNTY T!i\1ES ------- Ui'.liOrJ ,~.o?::.:::..~ ----------------- \....:,-.

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Neshoba Democrat. Philadelphia. Miss., April 13, 1983 ECJC Camps Set

East Central Junior College will conduct summer basket– ball clinics for both boys and girls eighth grade through 12th grade. June 5-10 has been set as the date for the boys camp and June 19-24 as the date for the girls. The purpose of the struc– tured clinics is to provide in– struc;:tion in bsaketball skills. Director for both camps IS Steve Rives. ECJC men's basketbalJ coach. Area high school coac?res will ass1st in the clinics. Basketball fun– damentals will be stressed in the three sessions each day. One-on-one championships, free throw championships, and scrimmages will be held at night. The cost to attend the clinics is $85 for dorm campers and $50 for day campers. This cost includes meals, housing , t-shirts, group accident m– surance, and an opportunity to win a trophy.


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ECJC Men's B asketball T eam The East Central Junior College men's basketball team members a re: ( left to right) Donald Clayton of PanamaCity, Florida, Leon J ackson ofNewton, LawrenceBeemonof Thomastown, Palma J ones of Car thage, Eddie Griffin ofWalnut Gr ove, Robert Gilliland of Louisville, J ames May of Thomastown, Glenn Armagos t of Panama City, Florida, Stanley Dixon of Quincy, F lorida, Milton McClendon of Forest, Allan Glover of E dinburg, J oe Kennamer of New Hope, Alabama, and Ken Eiland of Louisville. The ECJC Wa rrior team is coached by Steve Rives.

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Scott led tbe. Lady Lions with 30 points. Commenting about the game, East Central's Coach Lucille Wood said, "We're just glad to win the first game after the break. It will cer– tainly give us a boost." The Warriors defeated the Lions 72-69. East Central's only lead in the first half came when Donald Clayton made a basket with 44 seconds left in the half. Twice during the second half of play, East Central scored six points straight but the Lions came back to pull within three. High scorer for the Warriors was Joe Kennamer with 20 points. Robert Gilliland scored 16 while Eddie Griffin and Leon Jack– son each made 10. Larry Anderson was high scorer for EMJC with 22 points. Coach Rives said his team was pretty bad out of shape but made some big shots. On January 6 the East Central teams again played on their home court hosting Southwest. Both teams came out on top. The Warrtorettes decisively defeated Southwest girls 82-64. Mattie Burnside was high scorer with 20

SCOTT COUNTY TIMES Wednesday, J~ary 19, 1983 East Central Wins Two Close Con·tests

East Central Junior College basketball teams were back in action after the hol1days with a home game on January 4 on the War– rior campus when they hosted East Mississippi. Both teams pulled out a win In two close games. The Warrlorettes defeated the Lady Lions 101-99. The Lady Lions' Sharon Scott hit a pair of free throws with 44 seconds left in regula– tion time to tie the score at 79-79. Both teams swapped points in the first overtime to tie the score again. In the second over– time, East Central built a five point lead at one time but EMJC fought back to within two. Mattie Burnside was high scorer for the War– riorettes with 35 while Pam Colema n had 24 and Stephanie Town– send had 10.

points foliowed by Paula Rogers with 10 and Pam Coleman with 10. Jo Beth Roberts led South· west with 17. On January 8 when the team traveled to Holmes, they were defeated 87- 60. In this game, Mattie Burnside made 23 big points followed by Dorothy Jackson with 10. After the first week of play for the second semester, the Warri– orettes are 8-8 for the season. After defeating South– west and losing to Holmes, the Warriors are 9-5 for the season.

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•Eut ~ Jaalor Col· ~e&e dropped two games to Holmes Junior College on Saturday, January 15. the Warriorettes falling 69-45 \ and the men losing 67-56. -chris Peny of Decatur and ECJC has signed an athletic scholarship with Delta State Umversity an– nounces head football coach Red Parker. Perry. a 5'11", 230-pound defensive line– man, is a 1981 graduate of Decatur High School and was recently a member of the 1982 Mississippi Juniot Col– lege All-Star team.

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defeat East Mississippi

namer with 20 points. Robert Gilliland scored 16 while Eddie Griffin and Leon Jack– son each made 10. laiT) Anderson was high scorer for EMJ C with 22 points. Coach Rives said his team was pretty bad out of shape but made some bid shots. On. Jan. 6 the East Central teams again played on their home court hosting South– west. Both teams came out on top. The Warriorettes decisively defeated South– west girls 82·64. Mattie Burnside was high scorer with 20 points foUowed by Paula Rogers with 10 and Pam Coleman with 10. Jo Beth Roberts Jed Southwest with 17. On Jan. 8, when the team traveled to Holmes, they were defeated 87-60. In this game, Mattie Burnside made 23 big points followed by Dorothy Jackson with 10. After the first week of play for the second semester, the Warriorettes are 8-8 for the season. After defeating Southwest and losing to Holmes, the Warriors are 9-5 for the season. The three games played on tJleir home court should giVe both teams a boost for the rest of the tough January schedule. Other home games will be with Hinds on Jan. 20 and with Co-Lin on J an. 31. The women'!> games are played at 6:30 with the men's games to follow. ·-0·-

By JUNE VAUGHN East Central Junior Col– lege basketball teams were back in action after the holidays with a home game on the Warrior campus Jan– uary 4th when they hosted East Mississippi. Both teams pulled out a \\in in two close games. The Warriorettes de· feated the Lady Lions 101-99. The Lady Lions' Sharon Scott hit a pa1r of free throws with 44 seconds left in regulation time to tie the score at 79-79. Both teams swapped points in the first overtime to tie the score again. In the second overtime, East Central built a five pomt lead at one time but EMJC fought back to within two. Mattie Burnside was high scorer for the Warriorettes w1th 35 while Pam ~olcman had 24 and Stephanie Townsend had 10. Scott led the Lady L1ons with 30 points. Commenting about the game, East Cen– tral's Coach Lucille Wood said, "We're just glad to win the first game after the break. h will certainly give us a boost." · The Warriors defeated the lions 72-69. East Central's only lead in the first half came when Donald Clayton made a basket with 44 ~econds left in the half fwice during the second half of play 1 East Central srored o;ix pomt:. straight but the Lions came back to pull within three. High scorer for the Wamors was Joe Ken-

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Januar) 19, 1983. The ewton Record- SA --- ~·-iiL ECJC ·Teams Back In Action

a boost for the rest of the tough January schedule. Other home games will be with Hinds on J an. 20 and with Co-Lin on J an. 31. The women's games are played at 6:30 with the men's games to follow.

East Central Junior College basketball teams were back in action after the holidays with a home game on January 4 on the Wamor campus when they hosted East Mississippi. Both teams pulled out a win in two close games. The Warriorettes defeated the Lady Lions 10 1-99 The Lad} Lions' Sharon Scott hit a pair of free throws with 44 seconds left in regulation time to tie the score at 79-79. Both teams swapped points in the first overtime to tie the score again. In the second overtime, East Central built a five point lead at one time but EMJC fought back to within two. Mattie Burnside was high scorer for the Warriorettes with 35 while Pam Coleman had 24 and Stephanie Townsend had 10. Scott led the Lady Lions with 30 points. Commenting about the game, East Central's Coach Lucille Wood said, · We're just glad to win the first game after the break. It will certainly give us a boost." The Warriors defeated the Lions 72-69. East Central's only lead in the first half came when Donald Oayton made a basket with 44 seconds left in the half. Twice during the second half of play. East Central scored SIX points straight but the Lions came back to pull within three. High scorer for the Warrtors was Joe Kennamer with 20 points. Robert Gilliland scored 16 while Eddie Griffin and Leon Jackson each made 10. Larry Anderson was high scorer for

EMJC with 22 pomts. Coach RJVes sa1d his team was prett} bad out of shape but made some bid shots On January 6 the East Central teams again -played on their home court hosting Southwest Both teams came out on top. The Warriorettes decisive!) defeated Southwest girls 82-64. Mattie Burnside was high scorer with 20 pomts followed by Paula Rogers with 10 and Pam Coleman .dth 10. Jo Beth Roberts led Southwest with 17. On Jan. 8, when the team traveled to Holmes, ·hey were defeated 87-60. In this game. Mattie Burnside made 23 big pomts followed by Dorothy Jacksvn with 10. After the first week of play for the second semester, the Warrior– ettes are 8-8 for the season. After defeating Southwest and losing to Holmes . the Warriors are 9·5 for the season. The three gamu played on their home court should give both teams

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*ECJC bukett.U line-up for the next week is Thurs– day, January 6- Southwest– Home; Saturday, January 8 - Holmes - Away; and Tues– day, January 11 -Gulf Coast - Home. Women's game time is 6:30 with the men to follow at8:00.

•At the ClllWtmM holiday• break the East Central Junior College basketball squads have posted S-6 · and 7-4 marks. The Lady Warriors under veteran Coach Lucille Wood are owners of the S-6 won-loss record while the Warriors under first year Coach Steve Rives own the 7-4 slate.

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*East Central Junior Col– lele has four games sche– duled for the upcoming week. Thursday, January 13 'ECJC will host Jones Junior College, Saturday, January 15 they entertain Holmes Junior College, Monday, January 17 a road trip to Co-Lin Junior College is in store and Tuesday, January 18 neighboring Clarke Col– lege will visit the ECJC gymnasium.

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•Eut Ceotnl Jaalor lAI· lege will host East ~is· sippi Junior College on Tues· day, J anuary 4 for their ~rst return to the hardwood stnce the Christmas holidays. Women's game time is 6:30 while the men tip-off at 8:00.



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Sunday, December 12, 1982

THE 1\IERIDL\.'W STAR MJC Drops Pair .t o ECJC D ,.... . , - o;; ~111 Zimmerman --- Aaslstant Sports Editor 12 points for the ~gles, followed by David Harris and Kirk Pellerin with six points apiece.

Sharpshooter Joe Kennamer pumped in 29 ~i~ts to spark East. Central. Reserve Robert Gilliland added 12 pomts for the 7-4 Warriors followed by Leon Jackson with eight. ' • In the opening game, East Central outscored the Lady Eagles 12-2 in a five-minute span to take a 36-32 halftime lead. The Lady Warriors camped a t the free throw line in the first half, hitting 12 of 13 charity tosses. The Lady Eagles trailed the first 9 1 ,-2 minutes of the second half before making a big comeback. J erene Anderson scored on a layup with 9:25 left in the game to give the Lady Eagles a 54-52 lead. MJC never led again, but stayed close. Center Lori Carter sparked MJC down the str etch, scoring 10 points. The Lady Eagles were plagued by 20 turnovers en route to their seventh loss in 13 games. "We had too many crucial turnovers," said Lady Eagle coach Barbara Satcher. "Cold outside shooting also hurts us and we didn't get many of– fensive rebounds." Barbara Coleman led Meridian with 19 points. Marilyn Davis was next with 18 points to go along with 18 rebounds. Anderson followed with 13 points and Carter chipped in 10. Guard Pam Coleman sparked the Lady War– r iors with 23 points, 16 points in the second half. St:ephanie Townsend collected 16 points for the wmners, followed by Dorothy Jackson with 15 and Mattie Burnside with 12. "We played well tonight," said East Central coach Lucille Wood, whose Lady Warriors are Se· • •• · - Continued Fllm P age 10 d things happen for us.

Meridian Junior College basketball coach J.im Redgate is still sear ching for a remedy for ICY fingers. Redgate's struggling Eagles have been plagued by cold shooting all season and there's no ap- parent relief in sight. The 2-9 Eagles couldn't hit the side of the pro– verbial barn here Saturday night, falling to East Central 60-54 for their fifth straight loss. In an earlier game, the Lady Eagles dropped a 74-68 decision to East Central's Lady Warriors. Meridian's men wer e their worst enemy , shooting a dismal 36 percent from the noo~ against a poised East Central team. T~e E~gles sh..>Oting was disastrous all night, especi!illY m the first half when the losers connected on JUSt seven of 24 shots from the floor . . "Our shooting in the first half beat us," sa!d Redagte. "When you shoot the ball the way we dtd tonight, you can' t beat anybody . . "We even missed four layups the first half. Poor shooting has been our problem all year." Redgate added "We played better the second half, but we still couldn' t hit our shots. A,~ least our defense stayed steady the whole game. . East Central led 35-24 at halftime. and e~Joyed comfor table 14-point leads several times midway in the second half. Sparked by some heads-up defensive play, the Eagles came alive late in the game. MJC pulled within five points three times in the last 2 1 ~ minutes. Center Byron Stevens was the l~ding s~orer f?r Meridian with 19 points. Bruce Milton chipped m

now 5-6 on the season. "Pam Coeman ma e olida s. We've only "It's good to win our last .gam! before ,the h lly l~king forward played three home games this seAson. We r~:asecond half of the to playing before the home folks more season." . n the road MondaY The Eagles and Lady Eagles play Hmds 0 ,

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lege dropped a pair of baslc:etball games at North. east Junior College on Satur. da>:, December 4. The girls ~allrng 70-56 and the Warr. tors losing 85-65. ~ Eut Ceatral JunJor CoBege basketball teams will play their last games of the pre-Christmas seasan on Sat– urday, December 11 at Mer~dian J unior College unttl after the holidays. Tip-off for the girl's game will be ~:30 • with the Warriors versus Eagles contest to begin at

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ECJC wins invitational East Central Junior Col– lege Warriors hosted a Men's Invitational Tourna– ment on the Decatur campus Noverpber 22 and November 23 and were the winners by defeating Jones Junior Col– lege 101-98 in the finals. In · the opening game qn Monday evening Jones de– feated East Mississippi

East Mississippi defea~ed Clarke in the cOtlsolat~on game on Tuesday_ eve~n~ with a 83-75 w~ .. ~tg. scorer for East Mtsstss~ppt was Anderson with 22 pot~~ and Hawkins was th_~ htf6 scorer for Clarke wt. . : This win put East Misstsstppt in third place for the tourna· ment. th The final game of e thriller tournament was a . 'th East Central toppmg wt 8 · fi e over· Jones 101-9 1.n v d times. Joe Kennamer scoree 28 points in. this ;&ame, th third game in whtch he h~s . ed 28 P oints and hts scor n highest score for the seaso . . Three other Warrior players h d double figure scores, L~on Jackson hitting 22d Palma Jones with ~3, an Donald Clayton wtth 10. Darby was big~ scorer for Jones with 26 pomts. ••Q ••

SS-49. High scorer for that game was Husband of Jones with 14 points. East Central won decisively over Clarte CoUege 97-80 in their first game to assure participation in the finals. East Central's Joe Kennamer was high scorer with 19 points fol– lowed by Ken Eiland with 13, Robert Gilliland with 12, Palma J ones with 11, Eddie Griffin with 10, and Stanley Dixon with 10. Hawkins was high scorer for Clarke with 19 points.

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8A-The Newton Record, Uecember IS . 19lSL

ECJC Men's Invitational Tournament

Ken Eiland with 13, Robert Gilliland with 12. Palma Jones with 11. Eddie Griffin with 10. and Stanley Di)(on with 10. Hawkins was high scorer for Clarke with 19 points. East Mississippi defeated Clarke in the consolation game on Tuesday evening with a 83-75 win. H igh scorer for East Mississippi was Anderson with 22 points and Hawkins was the high scorer for Clarke with 16. This win put East MiSSISSippi in third place for the tournament. The final game of the tournament was a thriller with East Central topping Jones 101-98 in five overtimes. Joe Kennamer scored 28 points in this game, the third game in which he has scored 28 points and his highest score for the season. Three other Warrior players had double figure scores, Leon Jackson hittinj;t 22. Palma ~nes with 23, and Donald Clayton

East Central Junior College Warriors hosted a Men's Invita– tional Tournament on the Decatur campus 'Nov. 22 and Nov. 23 and were the winners by defeating Jones Junior College 101-98 in the finals. In the opening game on Monday evening Jon;s defeated East Mississippi 55-49. High scorer for that game was Hus.,and of Jones with 14 points. East Central won decisively over Clarke College 97-80 in their first game to assure partjcipation in the fmals. East Central's Joe Kennamer was high scorer with 19 points followed by

-with 10. Darby was high scorer for Jones with 26 points. Both East Central men 's and women's teams will travel to Meridian on Dec. 11 for a pair of games but will not see any action over the holidays. They will host East Mississippi for the first game of the spring semester on J an. 4. Game time is 6:30 p.m. for the women's game with the men' s game to follow.


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ECJC Basketball Stats The East Central Junior College Warriors and Warriorettes hosted Metidian Junior College on the ECJC campus November 8 to open the 1982-83 season. Both women and men were victorious. The Warriorettes defeated the Lady Eagles 83-82 and the Warriors won 68-61 . Highest scorer for Coach Lucille Wood's Warriorettes was Mattie Burnside of Noxapater with 21 points. Other top scorers were Pam Coleman of Carthage with 16, Angie Wash of Forest with 14 and Earlene Moore of Lake with 12. The Warriors played an impres– sive first game of the season with Joe Kennamer, a returning sopho– more of New Hope, Ala. , scoring 28 points and Ken Eiland, a returning sophomore from Louisville, scoring 12 points. This was the Warrior's

first game under the coaching supervision of Steve Rives. The teams traveled to Scooba for basketball action on November 11 and were both again victorious. The Warriorettes won their second game of the season by defeating Scooba during the last seconds of the game 90-89. Mattie Burnside was again high scorer with 26 points followed by Pam Coleman with 18, Angie Wash with 15, Dayna Williamson of Philadelphia with 12 and Earlene Moore with 10. Highest scorer for Scooba was Sharon Scott with 43 points. ECJC men defeated Scooba 63-52. Top scorers were Kennamer with 14, Palma Jones of Carthage with 12, Donald Clayton of Panama City, Fl ., and Robert Gilliland of Louisville, both with 10 points.


6A- The Newton Record, November 24, 1982

The Warriors and Warriorettes were hosts to Northeast Junior College on November 13 when both ·need their first --·~w,., ur the W . season. The arrtorettes lost 81 -75 N led at halftime 42-32 An. _ortwheast I d · g1e ash e East Central with 19 followed by Steph . T points, Le . ame ownsend of na With 13 and M tt' with 12. a Ie Burnside The Warriors lost to North ~-nbe· ea~ . mg unable to tie the ga m the last seconds Joe K me was the only East. Cen ennamer with a double digit tral _player points. score makmg 28 Both teams were on th November 18 to e road on Coli meet Jones Junior ege, a long time rival Th women won 82 79 p . e double fi - · layers with lgure scores were p Coleman with 16 M . am with 16 and A '. attle Burnside ng1e Wash A t Hardney and Stephanie T ugs a each scorin 12 . ownsend d g pomts. Coleman ma e two free throws . h . seconds left · th Wit SIX m e game to ice the

game by three points. The were downed 35-79 C oach RJVes e team started the arne poorly but fought hard in the f~urth quarter to come within . Kenna SIX. Joe Jo mer, Leon Jackson, Palma nes and Ken Eiland wer . scorers with 18 11 11 e hJgh · • • and 10 pomts respectively Th' fi . IS was the rst conference game fo c~ Central. r .::.ast . ~fter the first two weeks of actJOn, the Warriorettes have a 3 1 record and the W . - r amors have a 2-2 ecord. East Central ill to p ._. w travel er..mston to meet G If C Junior College in uJ u oast I reg ar season p ay on November 29 and 'JJ b the ro d · WI e on Dece,:be;g2am to play Southwest on will be . The next home game December 6 when ECJ C ·u host Pearl River G . WI 6:30. · ame hme is ~en said th ·

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Juco Cage Roundup .~Fr~id!:.aY~· ~N:ov;::em:be=::..rt~2,.Jt=9si.2 ---~=~----~~ East Cen~ral Stops Scooba T By ANDY CLAY Star Sports Writer turned the ball over the next two times down court.

SCOOBA - Basketball is a team sport. The East Mississippi Junior College Lady Lions found that out the hard way here Thursday night, dropping a 90--89 decision to visiting East Central, despite a 4G-point per– formance from former Meridian High stan– dout Sharon Scott. F r eshman Tanya Williamson of Philadelphia, one of five ECJC players to score in double figures, grabbed a loose ball and tossed in the winning bucket with just one second left in the game. " I reckon it's just determination," Lady Warrior coach Lucille Wood said after wat– ching her team win its second straight one– point game. "Early in the season, you want close games, but it'd be nice to have a breather sometime. "Toward the end, we finally got some help inside. Our guards started sagging in and helping out on the big girls. There's no sense in it

Leading 82-81 ECJ C reeled off six st_raig~t points, only to have S~ott respond w1th s~x straight for EMJC. W1th 45 seconds left m the game, East Central led 88-87. Dansby tool{ 'tbc ball inside and scored with 18 seconds left to give EMJC an 89-88 lead. East Central brought the ball down and missed three shots before Williamson bank- ed the wirining basket off the glass. . Mattie Burnside paced the Lady WarriOrs with 26 p9ints while Coleman added 18, Angie Wash 15, Williamson 12 and Moore 10. After ,Scott Dansby added 18 points and Winston 12 for EMJC. • In men's action East Central took a 63-52 victory to complete the sweep. The Warriors controlled the first half, leading 35-22 at intermission and held off a late Lion rally to win. Early in the second half, EMJC went on a 14-2 scoring spurt that closed the gap to 41-40 with 12 minutes left in the game. Five unanswered points by ECJC gave the Warriors a 53-44 lead and reserve Donald Clayton hit three buckets in a one minute span to ice the win. "We had two slumps there," said :E:CJC coach Steve Rives, whose teams moves to 2-0. 'We started off with a bang and then slumped. "Our·defense was great late in the game and the offense did a good job of getting us the good shots." Joe Kennamer led the Warriors with 14 points while teammates Leon Jackson had 12 and Robert Gilliland 10. Larry Anderson led EMJC with 16 points while Randy Cole, Lester Grace and Michael Gibb had 10 points each.

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