

--- - THE EWC WARRIORS FOR 1980 - Members of the East Centrd Junior footbdl tecmn aw (m to light) Front Row - W y , M s . Paker, Pow, Gdarpy, Mikh, Brdmd, Winstead, lm Rusd, ylpp, Doby; b o n d Row - Evans, Ahford, Wdcer, Moore, khnm, h s , khnlon, G l m n , Douglas, Wdl; Third Row - Cunnind#n, Gou, Hudson, Richmond, Brorm, Hichds, Townrend, W n s , MtNeil, Jones; Fwrth Row - Clement, Glass, Gray, Fickh, Robinm, Rogers, Reynolds, Dummay, Quirenl#rry; Mth Row - Bums, h e r , McGee, Reese, er, JordanMiles; Sixth Row - Winstead, Alky, Yarbrough, Hauhnood, John, assistant coach bvidBmdbey; Bock Row - nssistmt Harton. head coach Ken Parncev. (Staff Photo)

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