
East Central Gets New Buset For Commuter! Two new busses have recently been purchased by East Central Junior College, Decatur , for the transportation of students from Leake and Scott Counties. Millage support provided by the Scott and Leake County Board of Supervisors enables students from these counties to >ride the busses to East Central free of charge. This is the ninth year that bus transportation has been provided to Scott County, and the second year for Leake County. The Leake County bus leaves Carthage each morning and makes stops in Edinburg, Madden, through the western tip of Neshoba County, Sebastopol, Union and Decatur. The Scott County bus travels - from Morton to Forest, Lake i and then Decatur. This bus transportation enables students who live and work at home to still commute to college, cutting cost of their education a great deal. Drivers for these busses are B. P. Sawyer, I11 of Morton and , John Cockrell of Cartha

B. P. Sawyer III of Morton jers ~ r i c i a Hurt of Sebastopol (doorway) and Mary Francis Dobbs of Morton as they prepare to ave for home on one of the two new busses provided for Leake and Scott County students at East ?ntral Junior College, Decatur

County V.P.'s named for ECJC Alumni Vice-presidents from each :ounty were named at the re- :entalumni associationmeet- ng for East Central Junior :allege, Decatur. Serving as 1973alumni Pres- dent is Doyle McMullan d porest. Vice-President is 'ohn Risher of Philadelphia, md Secretary-Treasurer is k s . Carl Cooper of Decatur. County Vice-Presidents e- ected to serve this year are: 'EAKE--Mrs. GloriaSanders &Rae; NEWTON--Mrs. Bob- by Everett, SCOTT--Huey Stone; WINSTON-- Rodney nafron; NESHOBA--Hubert lodgins; AT-LARGE- -Mrs. -- a Golden of Jacksa

PLAN FOR MILITARY BALL - Sgt.FC Harry E. Polk, ~ a d e r s h i pLab Instructor in ROTC at East Central Junior College, Decatur, discussesplans for the upcoming military ball with ball chairman Sherry Wilcher of Carthage and ECJC Cadel Commander Robert Hammof Forest. The ball will be held this aturday night, April 20, at the Meridian Naval Air Base bnder ie sponsorship of the ROTC program at Mississippi State niversity. Participants at the ball will be ROTC cadets from East Central, East Mississippi, and Meridian Junior Colleges.

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