
Dykes leaving ECJC for Seminary study

James T. Dykes, Director of Bands at East Central Junior College since 1976 and Minister of Music at Clarke-Venable Memorial Baptist Church in Decatur since October, 1977, has resigned both positions to. enter Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas in the fall. He will be working toward a degree in Church Music and Religious Education. Dykes is the son of Ethel McMurry Dykes of Orlando, Florida and the late James N. Dykes· of Meadville. He is a 1966 graduate of Franklin County High School. He received an Associate of Arts degree from Copiah-Lincoln Junior College in 1968 and a Bachelor of Music Education Degree in Instrumental Music from Mississippi Col– lege in 1970. He received his Master's Degree in Music Education from Mississippi State University in 1976. Before coming to East Central, he was Band Direc– tor at Raleigh High School from 1971-76. He served as Minister of Music at Roxi Baptist Church, Roxi; Wes– son Baptist Church, Wesson; Ridgeland Baptist Church,

Ridgeland; and Raleigh Bap– tist ChurCli, Raleigh. He served as interim Music Director at East Haven Bap– tist Church and Macedonia Baptist Church, Brookhaven and Hickory Baptist Church, Hickory. Dykes is married to the former Linda S. Fortenberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fortenberry of Wesson. They have two children, Jim age 7 and Josep~ age _4.

James Dykes



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