
Used Psycholo( 1 Clark used a bit of ps! , chclogical coaching on his boys /and that just may be what it /takeswhen East Central tries to /beat Holmes on the Bulldogs home court. / "I told the boys to stay loose ;acd not get tensed un," Clark /explained, "because when we go ] u p there we're ex,wted to lose the game. That way we'll be imuch more relaxed and I believe we'll play better ball." Rehunding bas been a prbbr- Im at East Central since the season's beginning as only one player - 6-5 John McFarlanA has the weight to cope wit the opposition cm the boards. "Our other boys just dm have the weight and strenab t fight tor those rebounds," Clark stated, "but if they can pull off , a few I think we'll stay with thzm (Holmcs)." Starting Five McFarland will be starting at center, while I k e Horn, a 6-3 forward, and Cecil Muse, a 6-2 forward will be outside. Dennis Walton, a 5-8 guard and t i e team's only starting sophomore, and David Shumake, a 6-1 guard, will be out front as the play-makers. East Mississippi's hopes seel; to be much brighter than those of East Central's since the Jons' opp3nenL since the tw are playing on neutral grounds I.I~ at-o because of the Lions' late winning ways. Coach Iceyes Currie has finally put his boys together and with the combined rebounding strength of Andrew Richardson, a 6-5 forward, and Michael Tucker. a 6-5 forward, the J s seem to h&e the needed t + control. 1 --

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