
CUSS OmQns AT ECJC [from left]: Senk D e w , Sophomore Cham Secretary; Riely Harri- fieahman Class Redden@ 8h.nn0~1 CLnW, son, Sophomore Class President; Cheryl Newell, 80phomore Clam Vice-Rsdden@ lad me Wu(. Sophomore Class Treasurer; Perry Winstead, Repremnt.tive of the freshmah d.u to the Studat Body Association. Co. students elected officers at EC Freshan w' ~ - h d h D k b d o . m.

Cheryl is also President of the Student Education Asso- ciation, a member of the Fashion Squad, member of the Spirit Committee, and last year served as Vise-Res- ident of the Fwshman Class. Kaye West was elected Freshman Class Representa- tive to the Student Body Association. Also at ECJC, Kaye is a member of both the Collegians and the Choir.

more class and serves as secretary of the E.C.J.C. Players. In addition, Senita is a member of the Collegians, member of the Wo-He-Lo (yearbook) staff, and was chosen Freshman Class Fav- orite last year. Servingas Treasurer of the Sophomore Class this year will be Cheryl Newell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Newel1 of Decatur.

He was elected Most Out- standing Batter for 1977. Elected to serve as Vice- President of the Sophomore class was Shannon Cleve- land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Cleveland of Union. Shannon is a second year cheerleader, serving as head cheerleader this year. She was crowned Homecom- ing Queen for 1977 and was selected as a Beautv in last year's ECJC pag&nt. At ECJC Shannon also serves as secretary of the Student Education Association, is listed in Who's Who Int American Junior Colleges, and serves on both the Spirit Committee and the Welcom- ing Committee. During her freshman year, she received the Women's Intramural Player Award as well as served as Civic League Chairman for the Freshman Dorm. - Senita Dsaring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dearing of Union, was elec-

Newton county students took a strong hold on class officers' positions at East Central Junior College, being elected to six of the eight officer positions for 1977-78. Liida Killen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Kilen of Union, was elected President of the Freshman class. At ECJC Linda also serves as House Chairman of the Freshman Dorm and is g, member of the E.C.J.C. Players. Elected as Vice-President of the Freshman class was Perry Wistead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Winstead of Union. In addition to serving as Freshman class Vice-Pres- ident, Perry was awarded an Academic Achievement jcholarship for 1977-78. Ricky Hamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Harri- son of Beulah Hubbard, was elected Sophomore Class _ President. At ECJC kicky is alsoa member of the football


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