
ECJC Girls Win Gulf Tourney

! The East Central Junior College Warriorettes returned to Decatur this past week end after defeating the Gulf Coast Junior College girls' team and winning the Gulf Coast tournament. In tour- - nament play, the Warriorettes first defeated the ulkner Junior College girls 75-45, and then went to beat Gulf Coast 78-66 in the championship me Saturday night. This defeat was a big upset, Gulf Coast, who finished second in the nation : t year. Warriorettes and the high schools in '

Hicks, Hickory; Rita Barber, Hickory; Lynn Russell, Decatur; Brenda Smith, Beulah Hubbard; (2nd row) Manager Bobbie Moudy, Neshoba Central; Barbara Harrison, Beulah Hubbard; Donna Carter, Noxapater; Brenda Harlston, Scott Central; Regina Rogers, Morton; (3rd row) don^ Pearson, Decatur; Elise Pepper, Leake Academy; Terri Tucker, Leake Academy; Evelyn Bender, Newton; and team coach Lucille Wood. The Warriorettes will play their fiiast home game a t Decatur Tuesday night, December 10, against Pearl River - -- -

which they pla row) Darlene

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