
" Collegians Named Twelve vocalists and two accom- panists have been selected tocform the new East Central Junior College Collegians. The Collegians are a singing group which is a combination of pop vocalists and stage band. The primary function of the group is to entertain at high school recruiting drives, service clubs, such as the Lions Club, pageants, and other social functions. The vocalist' 'in8mbers of the ~ollegiansare Janice Brock, Senita earing, Lisa Everett. Skippy ' Griffith, "Dink" Hight, Lucy Hurst, Paul Lowery, Barry Phillips, Joe - - 1 Vance, Micky Vance and Kaye I West. The accompanists are Angela Hardy and Jo Ann Wright. Other members of the stage band have not been selected as tryo~ltc will not close for another few d . Robert Heritage, director of the group, said that t he talented Collegians, the only special singing group at East Central, should be ready for the first show in three to

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