
Mr. GeorgeMason, Physics; Mrs. Mary Lou Massengale, Nurse; Mr, Thomas R. Mayes, English; Mr. Clarence A. Mc– D~iel, Jr., Chemistry; Mrs. Lois F. McMullan, Math; Mr. Raymond McMullan, Aca– demic Counselor; Mr. o. L. Newell, Vocational Coordin– ator; Mr. Charles Penning– ton, Commerce; Mr. Bruce Peterson,' Speech and Drama· Mrs. Alice J;louncey, Psycho: logy and Home Economics· Mr. Kenneth Pouncey, Physi~ cal Education and Coach; Mr. Frank Rives, Registrar and Math; Mrs. Elizabeth Row– ell, French; Mr. Clinton Russ– ell, Maintenance Supervisor· Mr. Grover Shoemaker, Aut~ Body and Fender; Mrs. Aly– ne Simmons, English; Mr. L. B. Simmons, Social studies· Mr, J. E. Smith, Math; Mrs: Bonnie A. Smith, Secretary to Vocaticnal Coordinator· Miss Mary Smith, Secretar~ to Academic Dean; Mr. Gil– bert Sommers, Band Director and Music; Mrs. Marian Thornton, Music; Mr~ Thomas w. Thrash, Social Studies· Mr. Bradford J, Tucker Aca~ demic Dean; Mr. OvidS, Vick– ers, English; Mrs. IreneWag– ner, Dormitory Supervisor· Miss Sandra Walters, Sec-' retary to Business Manager· Miss Lucille Wood, Physicai Education and Mrs. Charles V. Wright, Commerce.

Barnett, Assistant Librarian; Mr. J. W. Bedwell, Comm– erce; Mr. Denver Brackeen, Dean of students; Mrs. Ann Burkes, Librarian; Mrs. Linda Burroughs, Art; Mr. Chester K. Clark, Drafting and Design; Mr. Joe Clark, Math and Basketball Coach; Mr. Richard W. Clark, Ma– chine Shop; Mr. Willard A. Clay, Welding; Mr. Willie J. Coats, Physical Education and Coach; Mr. Jimmie , Crane, Related studies; Mrs. Billie Cork, Social studies; Mr. James R. Crawford, Vo– cational Counselor; Mr. Al– ford J. Deaton, Physical Sci– ence; Miss Nancy Edwards, Secretary to Dean of students; Dr. Richard Ethridge, Social Science; Mrs. Jessie M. Eve– rett, Commerce; Mr. James C. Ezelle, Electricity; Mr. R. G. Fick, Music; Mrs. Peggy Gilmore, Secretary to Pre– sident; Mrs. Martha Graham, Reading; Mr. B. L. Griffin, Business Manager; Mr. Pace Guthrie, Drafting; Mr, Shelby Harris, Math; Mr. M, L. Hill, Air Conditicning and Refrig– eration; Mr. Coyt Hogue, Auto Mechanics; Mr, Edgar Hollin– gsworth, Radio and T. V.; Mrs. Desma Kilpatrick, Dor– mitory Supervisor; Miss Linda Lathem, Public Re– lations; Mr. Leonard Lee, Manager Food Services and Mr. John Lovett, Agriculture•


ENROLLMENT East Central Junior College began its fall semester .last week with the largest enroll– ment in history. Estimated enrollment for the fall semester is over 700 students, an approximated increase of 100 students over last year's fall enrollment. Faculty for the 1971-72 session include the following: ~· Charles V. Wright, Pre– sident; Mrs. Carrie Ann Al– fo:i:-d, English; Mrs. c. A,

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