.. WARRIORS 4TH TULLOS MAKES TEAM IN NATION ALL AMERICAN Defeat Jacksonville, Phoenix, Coffeyville . In Nat. Tourney WARRIO'R BREAKS NAT'S :RECORD T{le Warriors defeated Jackson-I IN FREE THROWS Wayne Tullos broke the national lege basketball tournament at record for free thro.ws and was Hutchinson, Kansas March 8 to 12. named to the All·American Junior On March 8th the Warriors de- College Basketball Team March 18, feated Jacksonville, Florida by a 1955. score of 52 to 46. The Florida team Tullos hit the basket for 19 free possessed a 90 point average per throws against Northwest Junior game for the season, but the War- College at_. Senatobia, Mlssissippi riors' superior defense was too during the regular season.. In this inuch for the team, despite the particular contest the free thr.ows fact that they had three 6' 6" contributed by Tullos were a 'de- , players. Three ofthe Warriors tied ciding factor as the. Warri?rs re· j m the pomt ' department with gistered another victory m the Ii twelve each, they were A. G. books. · · I Robinson, James Griffin, and Dar~".,'-Tullos was named to the All- . rell Thomas. "Pee Wee" ,Crocker American team as a result of his /J hit for 7, Wayne Tullos 6, and I outstanding record in the junior) Joe Clark 4. The entire team. ex- college conferenc~ for the, entire I celled in defense. season. · , , March 9th the Warriors played I Tullos was the only junior col– Hannibal, Missouri and received !ege player in the state to become their only defeat in the tourney. an All-American this season. At half time the score was tied at ---ECJC---- 31-31. In the second half the War-·- ---· ···– ville, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona, and Coffeyville, Kansas to win 4th place in the National Junior Col·
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riors made a few costly mistakes on defense which cost them the game. Griffin led the scoring at– tack with 18 points while Tullos hit for 16. A. G. Robinson hit for 10; John Williams, 6 "Pee Wee" Crocker, 5; Derrell Thomas... and John Alexander, 4 each and Mor– ris Hurst, 2. On March 10th the Warriors de– .feated Phoenix, Arizona by a score .of 61 to 51 points, a victory which was quite ·a feat. The op– posing team had an 80 point aver– age for the season. Griffin led the Warriors in .POints with 18; Tullos connected for 14; Robinson, 13; Crocker, H;_ Tb,oip;~ ..; _.3.; .and . Joe_ Clark, 2. · ·· ·• · : · . · . March 12th the Warriors de– feated Coffeyville, Kansas in two overtime periods · 75 to 73. The East Centralers displayed great defense in this game to score 4th place in the nation. Tullos con- 1 ·nected for 24 points; Robinson, 14; Thomas, 10; John Williams, 8; Russell, 7; John Alexander and i Joe Clark, 4 each; Crocker and Griffin,. 2 each. All players were very effective on defense. ---EC:.TC:---
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