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f 'with seven m i k e s left on seyenrebounds fmm Ben- ' Jackson had 25 points to

back-to-backbasketsby mo- der; S,

points and seven leadNoorthet,which fell to

ria Lewis.

rebounds from Birden; six 20-4.

From Page 1 B

A three-pointer from the points and two blocks from East Central held a 45-26 top of the key by Overstreet Cox; eight rebounds, two advantageat the break.

We've got great and a double-pump layup assists and two blocks from and I have to tip from Kristin Chaney Viverette; and four those five sopho- extended ECCC's lead to 46- fromBurks.

ECCC 66, Delta 53

The Lady Warriors began Region23Tournament com- petition by knocking off

37with 4:40 to go.

on to Burks, 0th- Co:Lin battled back to ECCC 92, Northeast 67

ers in that quintet are withm 46-42 on a Pair of The Lady Warriors Mississippi Delta Commu- Ebone'eLeverette,Monique free throws from Renee cruised to an easy victory nity College onMarch 5. Overstreet, Hope Murray Fields with 2101 left, but a over the sixth-rankedLady LenoreGray had 13points andMiranda Rosar. basket by ,Birden and two Tigers in semi-final action to lead East Central. Other , . ECCC took a 30-21 lead free t ~ r ows each from onMarch 3. point makers were Kristin into halftime. Chane~and Bender over Lenore Gray led EC with Chaney, 11; Kimyatta The Lady Warriors the final 1114 ~lit~ched the 30 points. Also scoringwere Viverette, Kotreece Bender grabbed their biggest lead region CrOwn. Kim Cox, 11; Kimyatta and Rita Birden, nine each; of the game at 38-28 with ECCC got 14 points from Viverette and KotreeceBen- and India Backstrom, 12:31 remaining on a put- Chmey; seven points, 11 der, 10each;Kristin Chaney seven. rd~oundsand two steals and Rita Birden, eight each. The LadyWarriors led 38- fromGray; sevenpoints and uetia Thomas of 27 at intermission.

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