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I Students Mark

Educa Donny K. Hopkins, a biolo- gy teacher at Provine High School, Jackson, and rhe son of the late WinstonCounty native, Alfred Hopkins, and Mrs. Essie Richardson Hopkins of 1,eake County, is the winner of he Young Educator of the !ear Award. H e is also the ~ephewof Guy Richardson of .obutcha community, and of Carl and Roy Hopkins of ,iberty. The award winner saps he loesn't want to be a principal lr a superintendent. He wants o be a biology teacher for he r e s t of his life. "I feel a s called into the eaching profession a s a r e a c h e r into the ministry," ie stated, "although I've nev- !r preached - except from

DECA'T~~F-DIJ~ ing +he fii lflr F $3 e ~ k tetn? of s u rr! m e r a m I wat~ol~a! students, hod at East Centpal Junlnr 1 A d DO^? glade a\-wage lr 5. nllege h ~ r f 47 ctudcnts i ace? d-~cli~ived fol* S~eele! D~stlnct~om; 1 l?onctr g v a d~ s ' 3 50 fnl Di~tgict?on, and 3, far. 2,a4 t ~ r m 5 enlnllmeni of 223 / ~@" " r Roll 3g.l 2zg,>1 fre-hinsn 22 i ~ ~ h o m ~ ~ c s and c$

;studant< s ~ t a rerord fop the* illnior c o l l ~ g ~ in 1t3 sttrt*mcv ser; 1~1011 I Of the honor sti~dents. 4% !VX"~F rd 11 were in the cdlege'a ro- ~ t ~ o n a l &vision Eleven f 1, e s h rn e n made' 7ecial Distillction On tliat list P O VFI.F five ao~1iemores and 1 ro rocatioiial r;tild~nts 1 the Dlstinctinn list \sere' p.. freshmen, and 11 sophe1 iores. 1 The H011or Roll inciuded 29'

DOI'WY HOPKINS . . .honored in Tx:!c9cson

makes them tick."

He i s , and has been for years, sponsor of t h ~

)ehind my desk". Provine yearbook, "Aries,' "In biolonjr I teach life, I and has been a Hi-Y sponsor reach the whole child". He He has served a s chaperon€ considers biology the study of ant band, football, and cholr Living form, and he doesn't trips, and says he has no1 hesitate to jump from form missed an out-of-town footbal to living in what he calls t r i p slnce he started teaching "Hopkins sermons." at Provine. He has also mad6 Mr. Hopkins spends a lot ~ u t - ~ f - t ~ ~ n rips with vari- of time just talking to young ous groups of students. An out- people - "to find what doorsman, he has alsoworkec thev're thinking and what with ycuth a s a YMCA cam1


worker and day campdirector The award winner i s fron I Zama in Attala County, when he graduated from high school He i s also a graduaie of East Central Junior College an( Mississippi College where hc I graduated i n 1959. He taugh in Meridlan for two years, an( a t Whitten Junior High S C ~ OO J in Jackson for three years, and has been at Provine eigh years. Single and 35, Mr. Hopkin: lives at 1917 Willowisp il snuth .Tackson

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