Lake I- reshman Seledea
I DECATCR -- Winning
the:dent of the Home E;cono~+lics roughs, art jnstructor: and the
,title of East Central Junior Col-Club. :art majors at East Central. ilege's Most Beautiful girl was1 Miss Hollingsworth is the/ ~ h ,set crew and lighting I Betty Nester, a freshman fro1n:daughter of Mr. G. E. Ho l l i ~ i g s - , ? e ~h~~ i ~ i a n s were Ralph Go r do~~ , !Lake. worth of Forest. While in high ' Dal?,y Dansby, Tomnly San- : Chosen as beauties were Bar- school she was a cheerleader, a,ders, Dan Jordan, Scottie Ter-. : bara Bol~ds, sopholnore fromimember of the chorus and Li-irell, Mark Hatcher alld Joe Ne~vton: Paula Hollingsmorth, 1 brary club. l Lee Anthony. :sophomore Forest; Kay/ i\liss Luke is the daughter of Mrs. hlarian Thorllton, music frcshnlan Neshoba; 'Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Luke of instructor, provided o r g a n ,and Beth "lapp' a fresilmanlNeshoba. She is a member of music during the pageant. En- from Forest. Ithe annual staff at East Cen- tertaining for the pageant s e r e The five girls were selected /the ECJC Collegians, a vocal risrillg the pag-itr:&s Mspp is tile daughter of group composed of men and cant at East Central. This ' V r . and Mrs. R. L. Mapp of :women, and the Chiettians. year's pageant followed the !borest, ill high school ithe ECJC Stage Band, under Of "The Bcautiful sv-ishe was a n-~en~ber of the Future!the direction of Gilbert Sorn- . .. - - enties.' i ~omemake r sof America, FU- ln7el.s. Serving as judges for the 1tur-e Business Leaders of Anleri- pageant were Lailon Dorsey,ica and the Beta Club Lailon's Flolvers, Kosciusko; , G ~ ~ ~ ~ H, p ~ ~ ~ d ~ , official hair-, ,Selected as semifinalists were lliss ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ i pag.: Larbara Bo!~ds. Cindy Corne- cant and of D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ u s , New Carlisle, Ohio; Gloria coiffures, ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ ~ ; Miss slIaron Hill. Philadeiphia: Paula Hol-
sibert, sales and promotion, lingsworth, Kay Luke; Beth M ~ R ~ ~ : ~ D~~ ~~~~ ~~ stores, ?,:Iapp; Debbie Pearson. Lake; , ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ : ~~b~ ~ phillips. ~ i - , l a w Carol Stroud. LIorton; I ~-lndGwq-n Tolbert. Forest. Irector of Photographic Services, 1 'Uiliversity of Southern Missis-, Emcee for the "Beautiful Sev- Isippi, Hattierburg: nelillda entier" was ~ o h n ~ o l k . prograin H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1966 Most Beautiful ~d i ~~ e c t o r . U'MSU-Radio South- . , service l ern. FIatt,iesburp. Miss. The 1 Jackson. 1 . pageant was under the direction Miss Nester is the daughter 1 Of L'nda Lathen', publicity A.Ir. and Mrs. N~~~~~ /director; and Bruce Peterson, of Lake, is a member of the, speech and drama instructor. /Student Education Association T h e set mas designed by Jerry ,and a participant in intralnural,Craw.ford. freshman art student , from Decatnr. Assisting with sports. Miss Kester is a Student: AssociatLon reprosenta.ithe .,L set were Mrs. Linda ~ Bur- - --
tivc and an officer in the S t u - * dcnt Education Association. She served as homecoining maid. bliss Bonds is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. L. Bonds of Newton. She is a member o f , the Warrjor Band and served as1 head majorette. She is presi- ,,
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