Five ECJC Students Join All-State Band Auditions were held recently at Hinds Jr. College for the Mississippi Jr. College All-State Band. Five East Central Jr. College Band members will represent East Central in this band . The All-State Band. sponsored by the Mississippi Jr. College Band Directors Association. will be the guest band at the annual Delta State University Honors Band Clinic. The All-State Band is composed of 90 band students from Junior Colleges in the state. All members of the band will meet at Delta State on Feb. 11 to begin three days rehersal. A concert willbe presented at 7 p.m. on Feb. 13 on the Delta State campus . Band members from East Central and Retha Bryan of Decatur, Heather Sammons of Louisville, Todd Vance of Lake. and Debbra Killen and Joe Williams of Union. ยท Ja~es Dykes. Director of Bands at East Central. said. "This is the best representation East Central has ever had in the All-State Band. We are exceptionly pleased that Retha Bryan. one of our flute players. will be sitting first chair flute in the All-State Band."
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