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UNION SIGNEES Mike Hawthorne, Scott Griffin, Alan Killens, and Jeff Breland with EC Coach Kea _Poaaeey.
Football.... Jl"(J Six from Union and 11 . H Decatur sigr' at EC !i/N Ken Pouncey, head foot- at Umon High School. 'cit ! I ball coach at East Central Decatur sign«:es are Alan !I': i ! Junior College, Decatur, has Perry, a 6 foot, 210 pound ; ,;t 1 ; announced the signing. of offensive lineman, son of Mr. 1 1 ;1 j four Union arid two Decatur and Mrs. Allen Perry, and i 1 . 1 i ! youths to athletic football Phil Smith, a 6 foot, 215 i • j' ' 1 scholarships. pound fullback I defensive . . ,\ l Signing with the Warriors end, son of Mr. and Mrs. .·. - are Jeff Breland, Scott Grif- Jerry Smith. Both are also -fin, Mike Hawthorne, and outstanding seniors at Deca- Joe Alan Killens, all of' tur High School. Union, and Alan Perry and "Each of these students Phil Smith, both from Deca- come to us with high recom- tur. mendations from their school Breland, a 6'2", 170 ·administrators," Pouncey ,, pound defensive back and said, "and we are really -~ punter, is the son of Mrs. happy to have them join our Elizabeth Pitts. Griffin is a squad." 6', 180 pound running back, ..._.....:...____________
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and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.V. Griffin. Haw– thorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hawthorne, is a 6'2", 195 pound center. Killens, a 6'21/i" tight end, weighs 205 pounds and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Ki)Jens. All four are outstanding seni • I ' . ~ • ALAN PERRY of Decatur ..... W1t1a ._ - . .. ' . • ; ' ? • . , . , Central Football Coach, Ken Po~ce1;
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