Hill Receives ECJC Math Awards Donda Hill is the recip– ient of the ECJC Sopho– more Math Award. She is a graduating sophomore at ECJC majoring in Math Education. She is a 1979 graduate of Scott Central High School and her par– ents are Mr . and Mrs. Kemp C. Hill of Forest. While in high school, Donda was a member of the Beta Club, band, annual staff, Student Council, Who' s Who Among Ameri– can High School Students, and Who 's Who in Music. Along with receiving awards for individua l courses, she was named Star Student and Valedicto– rian of her class. At East Central, Donda is also active. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the band, choir, players, Who ' sWhoAmong American Junior College Students, and the Baptist
Student Union. Not only did she receive the Sophomore Math Award this year , but she received the Freshman Math Award last year and is the Salutatorian of her class this year. She plans to attend Mis– sissippi State in'the fall.
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