
ECJC Graduates 23 Scott Coun.tians Graduation Exercises

McDill, Betty Joyce Per– menter, Tammy Sue Posey, Billy Cox, Fran– cis Clayton Herring, Betty D. Parker, Bonny Alisa Pope, and Francis Dean Willis. · Those who received Associate Degrees are Shauranda Meshael Body, Paul D. Cash, Jimmy Roger Gunn, Jr., Gwyn Guthrie, Edward Gordon Herring, Angela Fay Jones, Roger Da.vid Morgan, Melissa Ann Nester, Patricia Jean– nette Patrick, Foreign Lee Swan, David Todd Vance, Robert Earl Wade, and Hubert Wil– liam Watson, Jr.

for the fifty-third gra– duating class at East Central Junior College was held May 7 at 8 P.M. in Huff Auditorium. Out of the 168 candi– dates presented, 112 received Associate Degrees and 56 received Vocational-Technical cer– tificates.

Top awards were pres– ented to the two students who with the highest and second highest grade point average. Lorri Seal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Seal of Union, was presented the Valedictorian Award. Melissa Nester, daugh– ter of Mr. and Mrs. ~~~------

Daniel Nester of Lake, was presented with the Salutatorian Award. Rev. Hardy Denham, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Newton, was the guest speaker. Scott county gradu– ates who received certif– icates are Edna Darnell Beaver, Shelia Marie Gardner, Calllse Ann


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