Donda Hill of Forest. (Standing) Best Soq, James Dykes, Orchestra Director; Best Llne-Musical, Hugh Roland of Forest; Best Bit Part, Terri Donald of Philadelphia; Best Orchestra Member, Dulcie Dee Ewing of Philadelphia; Best Walk-On, Mike Boyette of Chunky; Best Male Chorus Member, Todd Rogers of Tupelo; and Best Character Role, Mike Childress of Louisville.
ECJC "BEST" AWARDS - East Central Junior College students who received "Best" awards for their participation in the Dinner Theatre, Senior Day Plays, and Musical at the annual Players banquet inĀ· clude: Best Dancer, Shannon Richardson of Union; Best Small Part, Llbby Appleby of Louisville; Best Llne, Denise Tatum of Newton; and Best Girl Chorus Member,
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