Ted Pope Named Mr. ECJC Ted Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Pope of Philadelphia was named Mr. East Central Junior College in elections held recenUy on the ECJC campus. Vickie Hamrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hamrick of Hickory, was named Miss ECJC. Pope is a graduate of Philadelphia High School. He is tnajoring in engineering. He is a member of the Pi Theta Kappa, reporter for the Alpha Alpha Epsilon and president of the Student Body Association. Pope was named to the Who's Who Among American Junior Colleges and the presi– dent's list honor roll.
MR. AND MISS ECJC-Vickie Hamrick of Hickory and Ted Pope of Philadelphia' were named Mr. and Miss East Central Junior College in recent elections held on the ECJC cam.pas•
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