Rev. R. Bernard Walton, Pastor of Main street United Methodist Church in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi will deli– ver the ECJC baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening May 17 at 8:00 p.m. in Huff Mem– orial Auditorium. Rev. Walton, a Neshoba Countian, is a graduate of ECJC and served as presi– dent of his graduating class. Before coming to ECJC he graduated from Union High School. Rev. Walton holds the Bach– elor of Divinity Degree from the Candler School of Theo– logy and has done graduate work in the field of English Literature at the University of Southern Mississippi. Prior to going to Bay st. Louis he served pastorates in Summrall, Laurel, Purvis, McComb, Taylorsville, and Ellisville. Rev. Walton has been a chaplain in the Miss– issippi National Guard for fif– teen years and currently holds the rank of major. East Central will graduate 175 on May 22, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. in Huff Memorial Aud– itorium. Twenty-three will receive certificates and ·152 to receive Associate in Arts Degree. Neshoba County: Intensive Business: Sherri Lee Burkes, Frances J. Coats, Rebecca Gardner, Louise Hill, :Nancy Elizabeth Keen~, Karen Marie Lewis. Associate in Arts Degree: Dwight Akins, Teddy An– thony, Jerrell Thad Bryan, Marylin Burrow, Genie Call– ahan, Robert L. Cheatham, Joan Breland Clark~, Gwen Cumberland, Jimmy Wayne Cumberland, Timmy Horace Cumberland, Jimmie Daniels, Howard Dell Duett, Sandra Nell Eakes, Wayne Goldman, Edward F. Hendon, Brenda Ann Jones, Troy Leroy King, John L. ¥cKee, Gjawan Mc– Kinion, David Keith Madison, Ted Marshall, Thomas Frank– lin Moore, Donna Jean Risher, Randy Tucker, George Burson Yates. Newton County: Intensive Business: Judi Boswell, Annette Gordy, Bre– rlda G. Hollingsworth, Nancy Loretta Munn, Sherry Ann Munn, Betty Ann Stribling. Associate in Arts Degree: Faye Williams Anderson, Kat– hy Barrett, Nancy Charlotte Blass, Cornelia Barnett Bou– nds, Ross Rufus Bounds, Jr., Samuel Bert Bounds, Fred M. · Brashier, Frances Brerken– ridge, Patricia Ann Burtoo.
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)1,\ r 1-l'" l. '" Ci ; ./ Baccalciureafe,_ Services At JC May-17; Huff 'Aucfitorfum I
Rev. Bernard Waltm
James Buchanan
Gle~ M. Davis, Roger A. DaVIs, Nanell Evans, Eleanor Sonya Ezell, Joyce Ann Free– man, Jimmy Michael Gainey Betty Gibson, stanley Grahan: ~harles Allen Gressett, Will: :aam Allan Griffis, Linda Dale Guyse, Sammy Wayne Hat– cher, Garnett L. Hawkins, Teresa Jane Heflin, Hubert ~. Holdiness, Jr., Lee Ann Horton, William E. Idom, Cynthia Faye James, Katha M. Kennedy, Lewis Herman McDonald, Jimmy Dale Mc– Elhenney, Brenda G. Mc– Mullan, Glenda McMullan, La– rry Wayne Muse, Patsy Ann Nester, Deborah Dianne Pie– rce, Frank David Rives, Otto James Rouse, ill, Roger Wayne . Rowzee, William R. Rowzee, Herman Monroe Russell, Jesse Lee Smith, Sheryl Jean Smith, Don Pren– tiss Stamper, Junior Dewayne Talbert, Gary W. Thorne, Jo– hnnie D. Vance, Jr., Hentm D. Waltm, Pamela Kay Webb, Steven Arnold Willis, Charles Verdo wr· ht, Jr.
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