



College in Cleveland, May 24, 1970. Majoring in Elementary Education, she received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. Maintaining a 3.0 average or better throughout college. Claudette holds mem– bership in SNEA and ACE. She is also a 1966 graduate of Scott Central HighSchool where she was an honor student. Grad– uating from East Central Junior College in 1968 with honors, Claudette served as secretary of the SNEA and publicity chair– man for the council of the Bap– tist Student Union. Burnette, the second daughter graduated from Mississippi College in Clinton, May 31, (Continued On Back ·Page)

Three Wolf Sisters Graduate From School

of 1970, president of Beta Club, editor of the school annual, and secretary of her class. Brenda was also featured as a beaucy in the annual, elected Most Valu– able Player of the Scott Central Rebels, chosen for All Chero– kee Conference, and served as an officer in her local chaoter of the Future Homemaker~ of America. Claudette, the oldest daugh– ter, graduated from Delta State

The month of May was a special event in the lives of the three daughters of Mr.'°and Mrs. Jes sie L. Wolf of Rt. 1, Forest. It was during this month that Brendagraduatedfromhigh school and Burnette and Clau– dette graduated from college. Brenda, the youngest daugh– ter, graduated from Scott Cen– tral High School May 18, 1970. Aside from being an honor student, she was Miss SCHS

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~-- (Continued From Page One) 1970. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education with a major in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Also main– taining a 3.0 average or better throughout co 11 eg e, Burnette holds membership in SNEA and . Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society in education. She is a 1967 honor graduate of East Central :Junior College._Wtiile at East Central she served as Religious Chairman and President of Jackson Hall. By attending sum– mer school she was able to receive her college .degree in three years instead of the usual four years.


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