PAGEANT two lovely yo.ung ladies ~\e among the twenty– three vymg for the 'ii.-t.Ie of Most Beauti– ful at East Centr.al Js:.itor College. They are Cheryl Thornton , c~ hage, and Vicki CON~STANTS-These
Sullivan, Louisville. The sixth annual beauty pageant is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. January 13, 1972, in Huff Memorial Audi– torium.
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College Beauties Chosen as East Central Junior College beauties are. left to right. Suzanne LeCren, Car– thage; Janis Lee, Union; Bobbie Gaile Knight. Forest. Most Beautiful; Claire Sneed. Newton; and Cheryl Thornton. Carthage. These five beauties were selected from among 23 contestants vying for the title of Most Beautiful for 1972.
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